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"I'm on my way to office"

"okay sir" his assistant replied.

He went to his office.

"sir..SIR?"his assistant called him in shock.

"what?" jimin asked as he entered his cabin.

"what are you wearing?... blue sweater? A casual outfit???"

"yeah... give me my suit" he demanded.

His assistant handed him the suit he took out from Jimin's closet in the cabin.

"here sir"

"why are you so shocked?" jimin asked taking it.

"you never came in casuals sir... you were so strict on yourself about it"

"yeah.. Actually last night I was with Ha yeon... in the hotel remember?... so she left in the morning around 10 am"

"oh... so you're here directly from the hotel?" he asked

"yep" he said and went inside the small room he had in his office, to change.

he wore a black suit and styled his hair like he always did, he caught up on the things he missed yesterday, saw some presentations from the employees and left for home around 10pm.

Ha Yeon at 10 pm

"you..." she barged into his home.

"hey... you're here.." he said sarcastically.

"yes I am" she said and sat.

"jimin was trained under Cha Young Min?" she asked shocked.

"yes.. He was" the person said smiling.

"why didn't you tell me? You told me that he is just your competitor and you knew nothing much about him"

"is it necessary to tell the truth every time?" he said and plastered an evil smile on his face.

"he was trained under Cheong san. Which means you knew him since your childhood, because Cheong san was your father!!" she screamed at him.

"why are you acting so astonished?.. What does it have to do with you?"

"why didn't you tell me?.. That you knew him since then?.. "

"what. Does. It. Have. To. Do. With. You?" he asked giving pauses between each word.


"yes... which means I brought you to myself" he said and smirked.

"and I thought I was the one who found you and came to you for my benefit" she said to which he simply laughed like he is making fun of her.

He slowly took steps towards her and stood In front of her. Their faces were inches apart. They both were confidently and angrily staring in each other's eyes.

"you. Work. For. Me." he said to her.

"I. Don't, I am Independant" she said.

"really?... what will you do without me? will you be able to succeed in your motives without me?... lets see.... I'm the one who hid your identity.. Im the one who gives you high class weapons... im the one who is helping you to achieve your motive... yeah I do agree that I also benefit in your motive but I can do it without you... whereas you cannot do it without me.. Basically I'm the one who feeds you" he said coming closer to her while getting angrier.

She remained quiet while rage building up inside her.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that again" he said staring at her, hands in his pockets and face inches apart.

"give me the new gun you ordered." she said calmly.

"bring it." he said as he turned around and sat on his chair.

His guard brought the box.

"here it is.. Your $25000 dollar gun" he said smiling.

She took it and left. She reached her home and started to scatter her table and show pieces on the floor. She groaned while throwing it.

She sat on the floor frustrated and tired. She closed her eyes, she started to calm down, her breath started to slow down, as she saw Jimin's face when she closed her eyes.

"I'll teach him a lesson when I succeed in my motive" she said clenching her fist. 

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