chapter 21

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"dad?.. What are you trying to say?"

"ha yeon... from your childhood? You don't remember?"

"I met her just months before how would I remember her?"

"no... I mean... your bestfriend"

"she cant be that ha yeon dad.. She left for her higher studies years ago."

"i know... but what if she's that ha yeon?.. Won't it be exciting?.. Like... the person who took good care of you back then, she came back no??"

"no she is not that" jimin said while thinking.

*she can't be that*

He went to his bedroom to rest.


"it's ok, don't worry... everything will be alright"

"how will it be?.. She left me.. She didn't even listen to me once... "

"it's ok.. Life goes on.." ha yeon said while rubbing his back while he is crying.

"what will I do now?"

"focus.. On your career only... your success matters.. Girls would come and leave, they may use you for their benefit... that's why you should not focus on them anymore... you should stay happy with your mom and make your career"

"i will... I will be successful, and if she comes back, I won't let her in my life now.. She should have trusted me but she left without listening to me"

He looked at her. She gave him a warm smile and he hugged her. He cried his heart out.


"how is that possible... if she knows me, why doesn't she let me know"

He immediately took out his phone and dialed her number, they exchanged numbers when she was leaving.

"hello?" she answered the call.

"hey.. How's you?"

"you called me at 2am to ask me how am I ?" she said rubbing her eyes and sitting up straight while glancing at the wall clock.

"no.. Umm... where are you from?" he asked immediately.

"why do you wanna know?" she asked interrogatingly.

"i was just wondering that where are you from... afterall I don't know anything about you other than your address, name and phone number."

"ha! I knew you cannot find my info"she chuckled.

"tell me please" he asked pouting.

"nope... find it if you can." she said and cut the call.

*i think you know it already* she smirked while thinking and went straight to bed.


"sir.." jimin's bodyguard entered his room.

"yes" he said while wearing his watch.

"we couldn't find anything about her"

"how is it possible... how can you not find anything??? Not even a single thing???" he screamed.

"I'm so.. Sorry sir" his bodyguard lowered his gaze.

"Ha yeon is people are useless.." he said irritated and left for his office.

He called her in his office to meet her at 10pm.

She came in the office.

She came in the office

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Her attire 

*why is everything so dark here*

"come here" jimin shouted, she followed his voice.

"I'm here... come here... come quickly..." he was continuously screaming and she was following his voice, she reached his cabin.

As she entered the room, the soft glow of candles gently illuminated the space, creating an ambiance of intimacy and allure. The room was filled with the soothing notes of slow music, setting a romantic and tranquil atmosphere. Her heart quickened as she took in the scene before her. There he stood, the focal point of the room, his presence commanding attention. Bathed in the warm candlelight, his face was a mesmerizing blend of shadows and highlights, accentuating the chiseled features and contours. His eyes held a magnetic allure, drawing her gaze like a moth to a flame.

He stood with a casual, yet effortlessly captivating posture, leaning on the window frame, gazing straight into her soul. His silhouette against the window's backdrop seemed like a piece of art, etched in time. It was as though he had stepped out of a dream and into her reality. Her feelings swirled with a heady mix of fascination, desire, and a touch of nervousness. She was captivated by the enchanting ambiance and the sight of him. The room's romantic setting and his breathtaking presence left her with a sense of longing, an unspoken connection, and an anticipation of what the night might hold. It was a moment frozen in time, etched into her memory, and she couldn't help but be swept away by the allure of the moment. 

His attire 

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His attire 

"Hey" he said in a warm tone.

"hi" she said gulping her saliva.

"how's you" he asked while coming closer to her with his hands in his pockets.

"im fine" she gathered her courage to speak, to which he smirked.

"can I ?" he asked while extending his hand.

She gave her hand in his.

*gosh... my hand fits perfectly In his... my hand looks so smoll* she thought as she stared at their hand.

He slid his hand on her waist and the two of them swayed gracefully to the enchanting melody that filled the air. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, a synchronized dance that spoke of a deep connection and unspoken understanding. As the music played, their movements flowed with the fluidity of a river, each step a testament to their shared passion for the dance. The room around them seemed to blur, leaving only the two of them in their own world, a world where every gesture, every turn, and every embrace told a story of love and unity.

"so where are you from" he asked in soothing voice, his eyes twinkling in the dim lights, like they contained galaxy in them.

"why do you want to know?" she asked smirking.

"I would love to learn the place of origin of my spouse"

"ohh.. Wait.. What!!!" she was caught off guard. 

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