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"after all of this I had only one friend left which was ha yeon... whenever I felt low, she would give me hope... she used to spend time with me whenever I needed her, She was there for me. But soon after mom borrowed money from the mafia men, and I had training of 1 year when we were 15, she also went abroad for higher studies."

"where did she go?"

"she went to canada" jimin said.


"that was all dad .. "

"so what did you think about marrying her?"

"i proposed her"

"what!!" his dad was shook.

"why didn't you tell me you were gonna propose her??..."

" but what would you have done?"

"i would have been happy"

jimin burst into laughter.

"dad you are happy" jimin said while emphasizing the word "are".

"yes I am, but..but... leave it... tell me when are you gonna marry her?"


"soon??? SOON??? I need to know when!!"

"dad... you decide that"

"what about after two months?"

"as you say dad... but I have to discuss it with her first so that we can start preparing for the marriage"

"oh yes ... talk to my daughter first"

"dad... she isn't my wife yet"

"i know but she is my daughter already" both grinned proudly.

After having some random chats his grandfather left the room and jimin sat with his eyes closed, his head resting on the backrest.

* "so tell me where are you from" he said.

"what you think is right... I am ha yeon.. Your best friend."

"really?" jimin stood up quickly. He couldn't believe his ears.

"are you???"

"yes I am your childhood best friend ha yeon, but we got separated when we were 14" she said.

"after all of this I had only one friend left which was ha yeon... whenever I felt low, she would give me hope... she used to spend time with me whenever I needed her, She was there for me. But soon after mom borrowed money from the mafia men, and I had training of 1 year when we were 15, she also went abroad for higher studies." *

"wait... why did she say we got separated when we were 14?... we were 15 at that time.." jimin jerked his eyes open in disbelief.

"how is it possible that she doesn't remember... we were freaking 15.." jimin was shocked that she doesn't remember.

"she has a powerful memory since we were kids... how does she not remember?...this cant"

"GUARDS..." he screamed.

"yes sir.."they came inside rushing.

"get me details about ha yeon as soon as possible.." he said.

"okay sir" they went.

Some days passed. They couldn't gather any information about ha yeon. Jimin met her and discussed about the wedding date, they eventually concluded that the wedding should be after 2 months. The wedding preparations were slowly starting to begin as a month passed.

"my son take her for shopping"

"yes dad... lets go ha yeon" he said and both went shopping.

They came to jimin's office after some shopping, jimin went in his cabin to work and told his assistant to take her on office tour. He showed her whole office.

"where is the security plan of the office?"

"that is in that room" he pointed towards the room infront of them.

"take me there too... you didn't show me that"

"ma'am its confidential... Im sorry I don't have the permission to do so"

"im not a stranger... I'm jimin's wife"

"i know ma'am but... I am still not permitted"

Ha yeon called jimin.

"jimin... your assistant is not letting me see the security room" she complained.

"give him the phone" he said in heavy voice as he was busy in reading something when she called, she did as said.

"show her what she wants to see"

"sir... we have our security plans there... we cannot show her that room"

"let her see it" he said and cut the call.

He let her inside and he got a call so he left her alone and attended the call, she was alone there because everyone went to have lunch.

She took her chance and started to look for something. She looked in the drawers and in closets and came across a blueprint labelled as "OFFICE SECURITY PLAN" she took a picture of it and then she found other blueprint labelled as "HOME SECURITY PLAN" she took a picture of that too and waited for the assistant to come back. He came back after some time.

"sorry I was on the phone longer than expected"

"its ok... this room is not so interesting, let's visit the meeting room" she said and they both went there. After some time, the tour came to an end. Jimin also came out of his cabin and both went home. 

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