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"speak you freak... who sent you" the guards were beating the man who attacked jimin in the restaurant.

"speak" jimin said in a heavy voice boiling in anger.

"min...yoongi... sent me..." he said spitting blood.

"min.. Yoongi.... sent me... min... yoongi..." he kept repeating that as he started becoming unconscious. Jimin abruptly stopped the guards when he said.

"min...yoongi.... ha yeon..." jimin's eyes widened.

"ha yeon??? What about ha yeon???" jimin kept screaming at him to spill it but he became unconscious.

"call the doctor... when he gains consciousness... ask him about ha yeon" jimin said restlessly.

"yes sir... you should go sir.. We'll handle him" the guard replied.

"okay" jimin said and went.

The next morning, jimin woke up and was having breakfast with his grandfather when he got a call from his guards, he received it.

"hmm??......ok...." he said and cut the call.

* "sir... we have our security plans there... we cannot show her that room"

"let her see it" he said and cut the call.

He permitted his assistant and as he read some information about his company while monitoring live CCTV recordings.

He glanced at the recording and saw ha yeon taking pictures of his security plans. He smiled and again started reading the information.*

"bye dad... im leaving for the office"

"bye son"

He left for the office as anger started to reach his eyes.

He dialed his assistant's number.

"hello?" he said.

"find information about ha yeon, she was in Canada a while ago" he said and gave some information about her father from what he knew when he was 14 years old and cut the call.

He reached his cabin and waiting there was his assistant.

"sir... I found it.."

"what did you find" he asked while going towards his chair.

"sir... ha yeon... is in canada..."


"sir from what information you gave about her father... I could find this that she is an event manager there... and she is still in canada"

jimin held his head in frustration.

"okay...okay... give me her contact number"

His assistant handed him her contact number and then left the cabin. Jimin dialed the number and had a little conversation.


Jimin got ready for his special day and was waiting for ha yeon. Today, was a special day for both.  

Everything was ready, the venue looked beautiful in the evening sunlight

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Everything was ready, the venue looked beautiful in the evening sunlight.

The venue was filled with his business partners, mafia people, but, he didn't want his bodyguards to attend the event as it would look a mafia wedding, without them it seemed like a simple and dreamy wedding

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The venue was filled with his business partners, mafia people, but, he didn't want his bodyguards to attend the event as it would look a mafia wedding, without them it seemed like a simple and dreamy wedding.

"lets welcome the handsome groom" the announcement went and jimin walked on the aisle towards the stage as everyone cheered and hooted. He looked so handsome, even his mafia partners started to cheer.

He reached the stage and then the announcement went.

"lets welcome our beautiful bride" cheers and hooting started but the curtain unveiled that there is no bride behind it.

Everyone fell silent and looked at jimin. He gestured for a second call.

"lets welcome our beautiful bride" again cheers started but this time ha yeon appeared. But to everyone's surprise, she wasn't in a bridal dress with loads of happiness on her face. Instead she was there in a suit, with guns wrapped around her waist and a gun in her hand, walking down the aisle like a boss with hair swaying with the wind. She had 4 bodyguards walking behind her.

Jimin stood there fiercely, hands in his pockets, smiling at her and not surprised at all

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Jimin stood there fiercely, hands in his pockets, smiling at her and not surprised at all.

She stood on the aisle and pointed her gun towards his direction.

"hi" she said.

"welcome hae won" he said with a smile. 

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