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"why did you send them?" ha yeon asked.

"to kill him" min yoongi replied.

"i am already there for my revenge... why did you send anyone to kill him?"

"just for fun.." he answered.

"fun??... FUN?? You think that was fun?, I am there for my revenge still you sent you man to the restaurant and then to the club!!!"

"yes it was... also... did I blame you when you killed them?"

"oh please.... you wanted them killed that is the reason you sent them."

At this yoongi laughed and shrugged it off.

"im going to sleep.. " ha yeon said and went upstairs to sleep.

Scene changes

"My son" his grandfather called out, as he was standing near the window of his bedroom thinking about ha yeon.

"yes dad"


"dad she is the same ha Yeon!! MY ha Yeon from my childhood" he said jumping excitedly and holding his grandfather's hands.

"hahahaha... okok" his grandfather laughed and calmed him down.

"so how did you know?"

"she told me dad.. She told me" he was still restless telling him that, like a kid is excited about his new toy.

"ok ok my son... sit down .. come here"

They settled on the sofa.

"you never told me about your past friends... this was the only girl I met when you were younger and now when you are an adult... you always seem to think about them no??"

"yeah...kinda... I think about mom... and them too... what would have happened if we all were still together" jimin said thoughtfully.

"so why don't you tell me about your past?... anything??"

At this question jimin fell silent, all the excitement from the earlier was vanished in the thin air.

"if you don't want to tell its fine, we will talk about it later... if I live longer than I expect... "

"dad please don't say that.." his face fell.

"I'll tell you dad... I just don't know where to start"

"oh... im sorry my son... tell me from anywhere"


"i had 3 female bestfriends... ha yeon, Hae won and soo jin, Soo jin was the one I loved since childhood, things took turn between us and we were in a relationship when I was 12, but then there was Hae won, she was the one because of whom we were seperated. She used to love me a lot when we were kids, so one day me and soo jin were at my place, we were watching a series.. When I went to washroom and doorbell rang, soo jin went to see who it was and she saw only a letter lying on the ground. She picked it up and came inside and read it, the letter went something like this: "dear jimin, I love you from the depth of my heart and soul... I didn't know how do I confess, so I am telling you through the letter since I don't have courage to talk to you face to face.. I know you love me, but i love you very much.... after She will be leaving for england because of her father's transfer, we can get together. I love you and I hope you will accept me." she read that letter and turned out she doubted my love. "


"What is this?"

"i don't know why is hae won saying this.. I don't know anything about her feelings."

"then how is she saying that SHE KNOWS that you love her? What did you tell her??"

"i didn't tell her anything... I didn't .... I don't know what is this" jimin pleaded.

"you know what this is it... its over between us"

"no please don't do this... I love you so much don't leave me alone." jimin cried while getting on his knees.

"please trust me I would never do this to you" he cried.

"just shut up... you saw what is it written in the letter .. you probably told her that I will be leaving for england that's why she knows and she is saying that after I leave, you both would get together and you would cheat on me" she was boiling in anger.

"we 4 are besties... yes I shared with them that you will be leaving for england but I didn't know she has these type of feelings for me.. Please don't leave me"

But she didn't trust him and left him alone. He sat still on his knees crying like a baby, holding the letter. After crying for a long time her went to hae won with the letter.

"what is this hae won" he found her in the park with ha yeon and started yelling at her.

"what?" she asked confused.

"what did you write in this?" he was screaming at her.

"w..what... I wrote that I lo.."

"shut up... don't say that thing ever again...why did you write that you know that I love you??? When did I say I love you???" he asked, his rage increasing with every word.

"what!!! Show me" she snatched the letter and read the part where she wrote "i know that you love me but I love you"

" Sorry about that... it was just... I was... I just wanted to write that I know you don't love me ... I didn't mean to write that I know you love me... I am sorry it was a mistake... I am really really sorryy"

"sorry??... SORRYY??, SHE BROKE UP WITH ME HAE WON..BECAUSE OF YOU SHE BROKE UP WITH ME!!" he finally let it out and started crying.

"i didn't know she was at your place at that time." she said.

"I am sorry should I talk to her ??"

"yes please!" he said , tears rolling down his cheeks.

She went and talked to her but it was of no use, her trust on jimin broke. After all this she went to england. Hae won tried to convince him again after sometime but he always rejected her proposal. As the time passed gradually, jimin stopped talking to hae won. Their friendship was ruined just because of one mistake hae won did.


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