Before You Read

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The base plot of this book belongs to kim_neonshii .. I'm just writing it, as per her wish..

This is the first time I'm trying horror genre.. Dark books are something I rarely read.. So, please do correct me if I make some mistakes..

And it'll probably take me longer time to update this book..

Some Things to Remember :

• Neither do I believe in the superstitions mentioned nor do I promote them..

• I've to read dark books to write this, some lines might have reference to other books.. If I take reference from any book, then the book would be mentioned in the comment section..

• The supernatural activities mentioned have no connection with real life..(or nothing I've ever experienced , by God's grace..)

• It's a supernatural , means there'll be mention of incidents/events which cannot be explained by science.. It's beyond science..

• So, I hope that no one will comment/think " Oo, this can't happen.. It's unimaginable.. We can't explain it by science, so it can't happen.. It's not real.."

There are many things in the world that cannot be explained by science, but they still exist.. And demons, devils, Satan, God and all supernatural entities cannot be proved by science..

• Negative Characters included.. (Or else how will it be horror?!)

❀ Recommendations are most welcome.. (As Author is less experienced in this particular genre..)

Hope y'all will like this book!! 

Hope y'all will like this book!! 

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