Not Him?!

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"Jung-Jungkook ?! "

The raven head stuttered, not believing his eyes.. The one whom he lost forever is standing in front of him, looking pretty as he had always been..

"H-Huh ?! I'm sorry, but my name is Jeongguk, Sir.. "

The doe eyed male said, confused by the weird reaction of his new neighbor..

He just wanted to drop by and greet the new comer with some cookies..

"H-Huh?! "

The hazel eyed asked, still not able to grasp that his Jungkookiee is in front of him..

"Yes, Sir.. My name is Jeongguk and I'm your new neighbor.. "

The pretty male said, bowing to greet the dark haired male who is still looking at him as if he saw a human for the first time..

"O-Oohh.. Hello Jeongguk.. Myself Taehyung.. Kim Taehyung.. "

The raven introduced himself, though internally he was a little disappointed by the fact that the male in front of him isn't His..

But who'll tell him that the Male was never His to begin with ..

"Nice to meet you, Mr Kim.. "

The doe eyed male said forwarding his hand for a friendly handshake, which was quickly grabbed by the raven head..

A little too quickly, one might say..

"Same here.. And you can call me hyung as I assume that you're younger.."

The raven head said with a gentle smile while he continued to caress the doe eyed's hand with his thumb, not ready to let go the soft hand..

The soft, cold hands fit just perfectly with his rough, warm hands.. As if made for each other, or not?!

Finding his neighbor somewhat creepy, the doe eyed sneakily released his hand from the tight grip of the hazel eyed..

Those hands were warm, but rough and filled with little scars here and there..

And there was a huge cut in the middle of the palm, which was yet to be healed completed..

The cut looks like it was a month old and self made..

"I'm 23 , and it's not that young.. "

The doe eyed quickly answered, not wanting to dive deeper into the possibilities ..

"But it is quite young in front of 28 .."

The raven head said, his eyes busy scanning the male standing at the door with a small box ..

Even the dark roaring clouds couldn't take his attention away..

But maybe if he looked out side, he would notice the glowing eyes of Raven, looking at him and following all of his movements..

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