Meeting The Devil

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Coming downstairs, those doe eyes fell on the silhouette of his Hyung..

The same Hyung who saved him, the one who gave him life or that's what he thinks.. The Hyung who didn't hesitate to yank his hair, is now setting the table so lovingly..

But who would tell him that it wasn't his Hyung who hurt him..

"H-Hyung?! "

The timid, almost frightened voice of the doe eyed male echoed in the house, breaking the eerie silence..

"Come, baby.. The dinner is ready.. Want Hyung to feed you?? Hmm.. "

The dark yet fond voice of the blue haired called for his dongsaeng to come closer..

With slow steps, the doe eyed went near his Hyung, sitting on the chair which was pulled back by the elder male for him.. The said elder sat beside the beautiful, doe eyed male, caressing his hair with utmost care..

"It's O-Ok.. I can e-eat my-myself, Hyung.."

The younger mumbled softly, still scared of his Hyung's reaction..

"Baby.. Are you scared of Hyung?? Hmm.. Tell me.. Did Hyung scared you that much?!"

The dark voice asked, hands still caressing the silky, black locks of the pretty male sitting beside him..

Tucking the free, unruly strands behind the younger's ear, his hand caressing the face of his beautiful brother..

"N-No, Hyung.. "

The doe eyed said, flinching when the rough hand squished his cheeks a little harder..

"Baby.. Look at Hyung.. "

The dark voice commanded, his hand softly tapping the pretty male's cheeks, forcing him to look at the devilish handsome face of the elder..

"Listen, Sweetie.. You might get a hurt a little, but Hyung is always there to protect you from greater dangers.. I know it's ironic coming from the Devil himself, but you, my baby, are my life.. I would do everything to save you and for that if I have to fight the Gods, I would.."

Those black eyes softened slightly, as the dark voice spoke.. The voice held a promise, a promise which the man would fulfill at any cost..

"Hyung.. Hyung,I-"

Those doe eyes glistened with unshed tears, as his trembling voice called for the only person he trusts..

So what if his Hyung lose his temper at times?! Hyung is still the one who always protect him, who loves him..

His Hyung might have done sins but Hyung can never be wrong when it comes to him ..

"Shh.. My little brother shouldn't shed a drop of tear from his precious eyes.. He should shed blood of the one who caused him pain.. And you know who is he, don't you, my baby.. "

The blue haired said, gently wiping the pearl like tears of his lovely dongsaeng ..

"Yess Hyung.. I know.. "

The doe eyed said, assuring his Hyung that whatever may happen, he would always be with him..

"Come now, let's eat.. You need energy for the ritual.. "

The elder reminded his brother, feeding him lovingly..

Who knows when things will take turn?!

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