The Ritual

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"Hello, Sweetie.. Remember Me ?! Hmm.."

The Devil whispered in his seductive, dark voice while his hands were busy feeling the softness and warmth of the beauty , who was shaking in fear, just as HE wants..

"Hmm.. You didn't answer me, Darling.. You know I don't like it..You remember me or not?! "

The Devil asked, his dark voice deepening as he leaned closer to the Beauty in white, who closed his eyes in fear, gathering whatever courage he has, before slowly opened his doe eyes which were shining with unshed tears as he whispered..

"S-Sir As-Asmodeus.. "

"Ah.. It's lovely to hear my name from your pretty lips.."

The devilish voice claimed , as he caressed those cupid lips of the doe eyed male, feeling it's softness on his fingertips..

"If your brother wouldn't have begged me to spare you, then I would have really got a taste of you.. I might be Evil but I am the Prince of Hell as well, and as a Prince, it's my duty to keep the promises I made to my subjects.. But that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.. I can still kill you and snatch your soul, hope you would remember that, Sweetie.. Hmm.."

The blue haired warned in his dark voice as his crimson red eyes minutely observed the small, petite male who was shaking in his presence..

"Y-Yess S-Sir As-Asmodeus.. "

The doe eyed shuttered, his body getting weaker in the strong devilish presence of the Devil Prince who is residing in his Hyung's body..

"Such a pretty, obedient thing you are.. Let's start, shall we ?? "

It wasn't a question, rather a command, to which the beauty just nodded his head, unable to form words due to fear..

"Now, I want you to unbutton first five buttons if you don't want me to tear the whole thing.. You know I would love to do that, don't you?! "

The Lust Devil said while tapping the soft cheeks of the scared beauty..

Knowing the consequences of denying the Devil, the beauty unwillingly unbuttons his dress, his shaky hands slowing down his movements which was keenly observed by the blue haired devil..

"Such a beauty, you are.. Alas, how much I want to keep you.. Now, be a good boy and look into my eyes.. "

The Devil whispered darkly, red eyes drinking in the view of the soft, milky white skin of the beauty, wanting to devour but he knows he can't, cause the beauty belong to someone else..

Someone more powerful, more devilish than the Prince of Hell himself..

"Good.. Keep looking.. "

The blue haired praised as he chant some spells to hypnotise the beauty, cause it's necessary in order to save the male from the unbearable pain..

"Now, you'll go into a deep sleep and wake up only when your brother calls you in the morning.. Do you get me, Pretty?! "

The dark voice whispered, as he caressed the cheeks of the doe eyed, luring him into a deep sleep..

"Yess.. "

The doe eyed whispered, before he became unconscious, on the mercy of the Devil..

Gently placing the unconscious beauty on the floor, the Devil closed his red eyes and spread his large, onyx wings as he chanted few spells in the native Devilish language, before casting the Summoning Spell..

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