Hyung ?!

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It's been a few days since, the doe eyed and raven head were meeting almost everyday.. They would roam in the local market, have fun trying street foods..

This brought them closer than before..

But the thing that is peculiar according to the hazel eyed is the way those doe eyes would panick once the sun sets down the horizon, and he would in hurry to reach his home, reasoning that if he reach home late then his Hyung would scold him..

But is it the only reason?! Or the reason is something else?!

The raven head would often joke, saying that the doe eyed's Hyung sounds like a devil..

But who would tell the raven head that he is saying the truth.. The aforementioned's Hyung is indeed a Devil..


After their daily venture, the doe eyed opened the door, only to be greeted by the sight of his dark house being lit up by candles, yet the candles did nothing to overcome the darkness in his surrounding as well as his heart..

"Did you enjoy your time with Him?? Hmm

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"Did you enjoy your time with Him?? Hmm.. "

A dark, hollow whisper echoed in the empty house, sending a slight shiver in the spine of the addressed pretty male..

"Hyung?! What are you doing here?! Weren't you supposed to come after 2 days?! "

The doe eyed asked, surprised yet pleased by the unexpected visit from his Hyung..

The only one who gave him a new life, filled his life with colours, even if the colours were shades of black..

"Thought to visit my dear brother and see how far is he from completing his work.. So, I had to come here.."

The dark voice becoming louder with each word that echoed through the house..

"I've gained his trust, Hyung.. Now, I'm just waiting for the full moon, then it'll be all over.. "

The doe eyed said in his soft voice while kneeling near his Hyung who was sitting on the rocking chair..

"Hmm.. "

The Hyung hummed, looking at the dark night outside through the window, with his right hand on his chin while the left hand was busy caressing the soft hairs of his lovely dongsaeng..

"Hyung.. "

The doe eyed whispered, his head placed on the addressed's thigh, soft hair being caressed, lulling him into a abyss of silence and darkness, which brought peace to his heart..

Ironic, isn't it?!

The male who used to love light, now finds the darkness surrounding him fascinating..

Is it because his light was brutally snatched from him .. Or Is it because his Hyung, whom he trusts the most, gently filled his world with the beauty of the dark..

Whatever might be the reason, he just knows that he is now consumed by darkness, the same darkness which gave him a new life ..

"Yess, Dear.. Wanna say something??"

The dark voice with a little of softness , which is only reserved for his brother, answered while continuing to run his hand through the soft, black locks of the doe eyed..

"C-Can I not ki-kill him - Ahhh "

The doe eyed wasn't even able to complete his sentence, when a loud scream escaped from his lips cause of his black locks being pulled harshly by the same hands which were caressing few minutes ago..

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!! You are dear to me, but that doesn't mean I can't hurt you.. Say this again and I won't hesitate to snatch your soul and keep it with me.. "

The male, who stood up from the chair with a force,  warned before giving it a sharp tug to those beautiful, black locks and leaving it harshly..

His loud dark voice echoed around the house, causing the furniture to shake violently, which resulted in evoking a state of fear in the male on the ground..

A weak cry of pain escaped from those trembling cupid lips, while the doe eyes were glistening with tears..

"H-Hyung.. "

A whimper from the doe eyed, made those raging black eyes, soften a little..

Looking back at his lovely brother crying silently, the elder male picked up the laying figure and gently placed him on the big sofa, wiping the pearl like tears which were wetting the soft cheeks of his dongsaeng..

"That's why you should do what Hyung tells you.. Hmm.. Whatever Hyung does is for you only, my Dear.. "

The dark voice said gently, his hand again caressing those silky black locks, ignoring the flicker of fear he saw in those doe eyes..

"Now go and freshen up, Hyung made your favorite.. Hmm.. "

The elder male said in a soft yet dark voice, kissing the forehead of his lovely brother..

The doe eyed got up from the sofa, trembling a little, and went upstairs, trying to control his tears which were still flowing..

"Hyung is sorry, Kookie.. But it was necessary.. "

Looking at the silhouette of his heart, his brother, slowly climbing the stairs while trying not to stumble, a soft whisper escaped from the elder..

As the view of his lovely dongsaeng faded, the black eyes hardened, filled with hunger..

Hunger of blood of a specific raven head..

Looking at the mirror on the wall, the dark voice of the elder male, echoed..

Be ready, Kim.. The Game is about to begin..

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