A Change or Not ?!

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Later that night, the raven head drove himself to his Condominium aka Condo.. It was going to midnight when he left his office, being the last one to do so..

No matter how much Jimin suggested that he should return soon, but he never did..

Why will he?! There's no one he would return to..

There's no body waiting for him, except his empty bedroom filled with loneliness and the occasional chirping of the crickets, which is complementary to his situation..

Just like the crickets chirps to call it's mate, his soul is also calling for his partner, his mate, his Love..

But unlike the crickets, his call won't be answered.. Will it be ?!


*Condominium aka Condo*

Reaching his Condo, the raven head opened the door and directly went into his bedroom, with his flash light on, not even bothering to switch on the light bulbs

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Reaching his Condo, the raven head opened the door and directly went into his bedroom, with his flash light on, not even bothering to switch on the light bulbs ..

For him, Darkness is everything.. There's nothing to fill his life with lights, with him gone.. He was the one who lit up his world..

Now, only Darkness consumed him..


Checking his phone one last time for any schedule , the Hazel eyed went inside the bathroom to wash his face, before he close his eyes for the day..

While washing, he looked at his reflection..

Golden skin with tiny scars here and there.. Some healed, some not..

Hollow Hazel eyes filled with tiredness.. It's like he have lost the spark, the warmth in those hollow eyes..

Sharp nose with a mole on it, and pink chapped lips.. Licking his lips a little, a tiny smile graced his face while he stared right into his reflection and spoke in his deep, raspy voice ..

Look at yourself.. What have you become Kim?! Just for Him.. Just for that pretty face you're like this.. You thought you can have him forever, but look what happened.. Maybe it was in your fate..

A small, dark chuckle escaped his lips..

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