The Time has Come

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The Sun was bidding it's final good bye, indicating the end of the day.. It might be just another day for others, but the brute it more than a mere day..

Sitting on his rocking chair, the addressed was lost in his reverie..

This Sunset is something he was waiting for.. Now, the time has come..

Finally, his precious is going to be free

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Finally, his precious is going to be free..

Pulling out his phone, he dialled the number of his soulmate..

"Are you ready for tomorrow?! "


After the painful long night, their most awaited day is here..

The raven head's leave application was granted by the MD, allowing him to travel to his birthplace and live there for a couple of days, before again returning back the hustle and bustle of the Capital City..

Hopefully, this will be successful in making the raven head move on from his past..

Or Will it be ?!

What if his past follows him?!


Checking everything for one last time, the raven head bid his goodbyes with the brute who was always there for him..

"Hope you'll enjoy your time there, Taehyung.. "

The brute said while the raven head his ticket, ruffling his raven hair a little..

"I hope that too, Jimin.. I hope that .."

The Hazel eyed sighed softly, looking down for some time before he engulfed the brute in front of him in a hug, who returned it while gently patting his back ..

"Don't worry.. You'll get what you deserve.. It might be late, but it's never denied.. Have a safe journey there.. "

The brute said, his hand caressing the raven hair..

"Hmm .. Bye Jimin.. See you.. "

The raven head said, with his eyes closed..

"See you, Taehyung.. "

The brute replied, his hand still patting the raven head's back..

With the final announcement for boarding, they both parted their ways..


Coming back to his car, the brute made sure his windows are up, before he dialled the number from last night..

"Did you reach there yet?! "

The brute said, his voice indicating how  serious he is ..

"Yess.. He?? "

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