The Unwanted Visit

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"Hello Jeon-.. Wait who are you?! "

The raven head questioned, feeling irritated with seeing a new face instead the pretty face of the doe eyed.. Seeing the doe eyed beauty is the first thing he likes to do everyday..

Even if it meant, seeing the beauty without his consent..

"Hello Kim Taehyung.. I'm Hoseok, Jeongguk's Hyung.. "

The red haired greeted, ignoring the burning feeling inside him.. Instead he kept his expression neutral, as he was supposed to..

"O-Oohh.. Hello, Hoseok Sir.. I actually came for - "

The raven head's words were cut off in middle, as the red haired gestured him to keep quiet..

"I know you came for my brother.. But he's sleeping now.. "

The addressed said, hands itching to just claw the raven head's skin yet he smiled sweetly, being an expert in it..

"But how, Sir?! "

The hazel eyed asked, puzzled by the fact that the male in front of him knows his reason for coming so unexpectedly..

"Isn't it obvious?! Only me and Jeongguk live here, you don't know me as we haven't met before.. So, you must have come for my brother.. "

The red haired replied in a duh tone, as if it was a silly question to ask, which according to him, it was..

"Ye-Yess Sir.. "

The raven head stammered, getting some dark vibes from the aforementioned..

"Just call me Hoseok Or Seok.. We're of same age.. "

The red haired let out the words unwillingly, just for the sake of his brother, fisting his hand which was behind his back ..

"Huh?! How you know my age Si- I mean Hoseok?? "

The hazel eyed, feeling quite suspicious of the so called Hyung of his dear..

"Well.. My Ggukie tells me everything.. That's how I know about you.. "

The red haired quickly answered the doubt arising in the raven head, not wanting him to doubt anything..

"Oohh.. But he didn't tell much about you.. "

The raven head let out through his gritted teeth, feeling himself burn at that 'My Ggukie'..

"Why will he?! Am I that attractive that you wanna know more about me?!"

The red haired asked, noticing the change in the male's demeanour, but decided to keep it to himself..

Might use it against the male later..

"N-No Hoseok.. I mean, you're very good looking, but I was asking genuinely.. "

The raven head stuttered in panick, not wanting to rise suspicion against him..

"Chill man, I was just kidding.. Anyways, just come inside.. "

The red haired changed the topic as it's too much for him handle the raven head, but unfortunately he has to do this for some more time..

"N-No, it's ok.. I'll just come back when he wakes up.. "

The addressed said, not wanting to be under the sharp eyes of the red haired..

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