ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2 : ᴠɪᴠᴀʜ

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"Mata... I.. " 

" What is it putri. Do you not want to? If not then it's fine -"

" No. Not that mata. It's just. We all know we are short of grains. Is it feasible at this time to hold a wedding? Shouldn't we wait for a few months to have enough gold that we can buy the wheat, while still having enough for a wedding? " She asked her mother, who was so touched by her words, she hugged her daughter.

" Putri. You are so grown up. You are worrying more about the people's stomachs than your own marriage. I am so proud of you my dear. But you need not worry. Our wheat supply has been managed. So tell me , will you marry Raajkumar Uttar? "

The girl was now shy and shook her head in agreement.

Her father walked in to see that and his heart rejoiced and broke at the same time.

He was happy for his daughter would have the chance to experience a new aspect of life and love, but he didn't want to let her go away. It had been only two years that they had finally been able to live in peace. He didn't want to let his daughter go.

" Alright. You may go. We'll discuss this in the sabha tomorrow a prahar after sunrise. Don't be late. Especially you Moksh. " Karunika warned as the boy was about to say that he should sleep more.

They went away as Adam sat by Karunika on the bed, who turned to him in excitement.

" Oh Arya! I never knew when I got the curse that I could see my own children's marriage. It is so beautiful! She has agreed. Our daughter is one of the kindest women in Aryavart. Look how she took care of her people first. I am sure she'll be a wonderful ruler. " She said, happiness shining in her eyes.

He kept a hand on her cheek and said , " Why won't she, she's the daughter of the most compassionate women in Aryavart. But Priye... I don't want to let her go. " He said, trailing off at the end.

She saw her husband's face, how it had the lightest of frowns on it. It brought back this tiny wrinkle between his eyebrows. She tried to smooth it away with her thumb.

" Arya, our children are now big enough to leave our nest. Even I don't want to see her leave. After the -the incident in the war, I don't want to let her out of my sight, but we must let them fly free. For if we don't we'll be the ones clippimg their own wings. We wouldn't want that. It hurts to see her grow up. I recall each moment we spent with her as a child. "

" Do you remember when she was oy about three summers old, she had a little hay toy she wouldn't sleep without and when she did, it's hay would land up in our mouths because she would move her hands around in her sleep so much." Adam said, as he smiled in the nostalgia.

" Yes and when we tried to take it away, she was so angry she wouldn't eat. Then Yudhishthir had to be the one to scold her. It was hilarious. He was unable to. " Karunika remarked, laughing.

They shifted up on the bed, with Karunika's head on Adam's chest and the two spent the night talking about their children's antics as they hardened their heart to let the children fly on their own.


The next day in the sabha, the two children in question were a nervous wreck knowing the others answer, but being unsure. They had promised each other that their kingdoms would come first. That was their home. Home came first.

" Maharaj Virat. You are our guest and accordingly, please put forward your answer first. "

" Maharaj, Maharani Karunika, Yuvraj Uttar of Matsya is waiting to stand in front of the doors of your kingdom with his Varyaatra, if the vadhu is ready to go back home with him. " He answered smiling, as the prince and princess blushed.

" Tell him Putri. Do you want to go back with the varyatra that will come to your home? " Karunika asked smiling.

" Yes. I will. " She said, proudly as she looked at the prince. A smile touching both of their faces.

Their souls were already one, a marriage would just be a societal need now. That is why, they were now going to be the Yubraj and Yuvrani of Matsys. Husband and wife. Life partners.

The families rejoiced at the answers and dhol and nagade were played on the streets. Their beautiful princess was to be married.


" Arya! Arya! Arya! " Devika said, running into the sabha with scrolls in her hand. Only the family was present during this time and everyone stood up to see what she had brought.

" Bolo Devika, what news have you brought? " Yudhishthir asked as he looked at his panting wife, who was handed water by her son.

She just handed the scroll over to her devar, Arjun who opened the scroll and his face lit up in delight as he read through it.

" Speak Bhrata Arjun. What is it that has brought such happiness to your face. " Nakul asked, assuming it to be a letter from Sahdev.

" Bharata, Putri Aahana is about to be married to my student Raajkumar Uttar, soon, within the next seven months in the phalgun maas. " He said happily.

" Oh wow, our dear niece has grown so big, now she'll get married. " Bheem said,overjoyed at the prospect of it . Their was oy one daughter on their family and her wedding would be the best in the world. When Bheem himself would make the sweets for it, no one could say it could be better.

" Do you know what this means bhrata Yudhishthir. " Arjun said suddenly, a hand on Nakul's shoulder.

" What? "

" This means we have now become old. Nakul! You're old. Now you'll have wrinkles on your face! " Arjun said laughing, as the Ashwinye looked horrified and looked at jis wife, who had hid behind Panchali, afraid of answering his upcoming question.

" Karenu, is this true! '



" Pitashree! Mata! " Neelansh said as he walked in with a guard.

" Speak putr." They said, standing up at his loud tone.

" Pitashree, Bahan Aahana is getting married! " He said excitedly, as he imagined lifting her doli all the way to Matsya. He was the eldest among them all and she always held a soft spot in the corner of his heart. His dear sister.

" That is wonderful news putr. Do we know when? " Vrushali asked, thinking about the different arrangements to be made.

" Ji mata. It's in phalgun maas, seven months from now. " He said as even Karn smiled. Only a few years ago had he seen the child recovering from a near death experience. Now she was to be married. Time does seem to heal all wounds.


Ahem... So they are getting married. Yay!

Abhi ruko zara. Varyatra se pehle ke  bhi  rituals hain. Unmein dekhein kaun milta hai.

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