ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟸 : ɪᴛ's ʀᴇᴀʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴇᴀᴅᴇʀs ɴᴏᴡ.

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The feast that day for breakfast in Hastinapur was full of treats, especially Aahana's favourite ones.

" Mamishree that's enough-ohhh" She  tried, as another ladoo was stuffed into her mouth.

Her mamishree Subhadra, who had gotten to know all of this when she came back from Dwarika that morning was so sad and happy, that she had been either crying into Aahana's shoulder ever since she was here, or feeding the child sweets.

Abhimanyu asked his mother, " Mata, I was the one hurt and you're feeding her? "

"She's why you didn't die. You're fine now, but she gets all my love for today. " Subhadra answered laughing.

" So putri Aahana, you're the queen of Matsya now, aren't you. What is your first plan? "  Samrat Yudhishthir  asked her.

" Mamashree, first I need to go back to Matsya and we'll have his Rajyabhishek, after which we will question the Avanti Kumar for any other traps we have. Then we must ask Avanti Kumari Shubhda to come from Vajji to Matsya to see what she says on the topic. This will all be our first order. Arya says, that we are new kings and queens, so there is a chance of incomimg attacks from enemy kingdoms, as they will consider us weak as of now, so we must go and encourage the rajy , that we are strong and we are able. " She said, all the whole running away from Panchali's hands which carried a spoonfull of dal.

" That's very wise of Maharaj Uttar putri and he is right too. A new king and queen are always seen as a weak point, because either they are new to the game or mentally weak at the immediate moment. " Bheem intervened.

" You are right mamashree. But Arya and I promised each other than we'll do it together. I have no doubt we'll succeed. "

"You will definitely succeed putri. And if you'd like any help, Arya and I are always ready, with army or diplomacy. " Devika said, hugging the new queen.

"All that is fine. But does that mean we have to travel to Matsya too? " Sutsom asked.

"You may if you want, but not necessary. " Aahana said.

"Good, then we wish to stay here, recently only pitashree and tajshree gave us an important task.. For Prativindhy's marriage prepararions. So we'll have to travel relentlessly for it. "

"Oh? Who's the unlucky girl? " Aahana asked teasing.

" Venkatgiri's princess, the only daughter among three sons, Mrignayani. She is a beautiful dancer, as per bhratashree's words. So we have to travel to Venkatgiri and invite the princess and her family for the decision of the marriage dates and rituals. " Shrutkarm said.

"But why isn't Bhratashree Prativindhy going himself? As a matter of fact, where is he? " Aahana enquired, looking around.

" He's..... He's in Dwarika. " Arjun supplied.

" For what? "

" Nothing that concerns you putri. It's a simple job. " Subhadra added, worry clear on her face.

" Oh. Alright. Uhm. " She said. Did they make her a stranger so soon? Mata had told her that in many places of Aryavart, woman once married were considered strangers in their own homes. Was it true here as well? She couldn't believe it.

" Putri? Do you want more pooris? " Panchali asked, breaking the awkward tension in the room.

" Nahi mamishree. I wish to lie down for a while, the travel has me tired and I'll have to leave soon enough anyways. So. "

" You'll be leaving so soon? Won't you stay a few days more? " Devika asked.

"Nahi mamishree. I must get back by tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do. " She answered, eyes downcast as she made her way out.

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