ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟻: ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ

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Karunika and Adam welcomed her brothers wives and her brothers children, other than Yudhishthir and Devika who couldn't leave the kingdom.

The brothers saw her and by default first took her blessings and then embraced her in a bone crushing hug. The hug was what serenity meant to Karunika.

The younger generations too mimicKed their parents, by huddling around Aahana. But since they were nine men and one girl, they choose to be a bit more risqué. They lifted her up on their shoulders and carried her around the garden, all the while she laughed. Being the youngest of all, despite her mother being the eldest was ironic, yet it never let her stop from becoming the boss of all her brothers.

As they sat down that day, preparing for the mehendi. .....

" Bhrata Nirmay! Where are the elephants we invited to be part of my leaving procession? I want to go atop an elephant with my husband. Where is he? " She whined, as she sat, hands open to allow her mother and her mamishree Vrushali to apply her mehendi.

" Aahana. I told you. Animals need to be dealt with patience. They'll come soon. " He insisted, running around the palace.

" Bhrata Satanik! Where is my poori and sabji? I told you I was hungry! " She yelled out after an hour, as the brother in question ran out, face paling at his forgetfulness.

On one side sat Suthanu, on the other, Shrutkarm as they fanned the bride with their angvastr, while her Bharata Prativindhy held her glass of water.

Now, some would say that she was using her brothers as slaves, but she wasn't. They had volunteered to do it. Afterall, she was their only sister. 


Neelansh, Sutsom and Moksh were in the armory, sharpening their weapons.

Not a joke. They truly were doing so. All because their was an oncoming war in Kuntibhoj and they had to leave.  Bheem , Adam, Karunika and Karn did tell them that they would go fight, but the children refused, saying ," If you or matashree leave the kingdom now, there is a greater threat to our people. We are competent to handle this. Don't worry."

So they left, but before Moksh could go, he was met by a very annoyed Alatakshi. 

" You are the worst sakha I ever made. Who goes to a war before their own sister's wedding? Do you not imagine how disheartened she would be ? " She said, looking at him with anger.

" You are my sakhi Alata. You must understand, this is my karm. I must do it, you may try to stop me but I won't ." 

" Alright, but at least wear this raksha kavach I made.  It will keep you safe." She said, tying it on his arm. 

"Why? Do you not trust my competence ? " He asked her as she looked at him with anger yet again.

" Valour holds no power over Niyati."

" So this kavach will ? " 

" Yes! "

"How are you so sure? What if I arrive wrapped in whi-"   

Alata held her hands against his mouth. her eyes widening in anger and fear as he uttered the ominous words.

" Don't you dare say something like this again. Why can't you simply accept that it is meant to protect you? Must you always be that cruel and uncaring? " She said.

he looked at her confused. Since when did she care so much? Did he too? NO! That is to say, No, he can't. He has a battle to win.

"Go on! Answer me !" She urged as he pointed at her hand on his mouth.

**✿❀ 𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 ❀✿**Where stories live. Discover now