ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟼: ᴋᴀʀᴜɴɪᴋᴀ's ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ ɪɴ ʟᴀᴡ

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"WHAT! " Alata's cry prevented Moksh from fainting.

"Ji Yuvraj. She is now your bride. Please keep her happy? " Her father said, holding Moksh's hand.

Alata ran outside, grabbed hold of Moksh's angvastr and pushed him away.

"You just had to do this! You couldn't have chosen a better way! "

"I saved your life! How was I to know you get married differently! "

" You -"

"Putri, he is your husband, treat him with respect-"

"I don't care! I did not want to marry him, I was forced into it. "

"How was I supposed to know you get married like this! It's not as if I wanted to marry you and kidnapped you! "

"You -"

"MAUN! BOTH OF YOU KEEP QUIET! " Adam yelled, running over with Karunika on his heels.

"Maharaj, this is injustice! I was married -" With one glare from Adam, even Alata knew not to speak.

" Putr, putri. Neither of you knew how this happened and we know for sure that it cannot be broken. Now instead of beating each other's heads into the wall, talk to each other and apologize. Both of you. " Karunika said, trying to pacify her enraged husband. His anger was at their argument, not at the wedding itself.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the river bank, sitting there.


"Look, neither of us wanted this, but we don't have an option. I married you. Now, we can get married, properly and then think about what to do. It's not an ideal situation nor is it something we want. But it is what we have. " Moksh said, sitting down next to a crying Alatakshi.

" But I still have my work! I want to work, it gets my parents the food and other requirements. I am my parents only child. My brother died in the war." She cried, putting her head in her lap.

" I never said you don't have to work anymore, do it. But now, you'll also be my wife and hence our princess. My wife means Yuvrani. Acceptable? "

" Do I have a choice? "

" Welll... You could kill me and then -" She shut him with a hand to his mouth.

"You're an idiot! "

"What! I was just telling you a way to escape this marriage. "

" If I wanted to kill you I would have done it by now. " She said, standing up in front of her.

"Oh really? " He asked, moving closer.

"Yes, I just need to swipe this and you'll be dead. " She said and Moksh looked down to see his dagger, at his neck.

"So your love is a dagger? " He asked, smirking.

" Maybe."

" Look, even if we never fall in love with each other, I hope that we'll still be friends. Seems like a better marriage than most? " Moksh said.

Alata's eyes flickered with pain for a moment, before the fire returned in her eyes, just like her name.

" Alright. Come. Mata and Pitashree are waiting. " She said, holding out her hand. He took the dagger from it, smiling as he ran away, while she followed.

**✿❀ 𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 ❀✿**Where stories live. Discover now