Regarding update

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Sorry for not updating I wish I could hate you for so long. I've written 40% months back and then had writer's block and currently in lack of motivation.

but in the meantime, I literally started writing another OS about the Harassment track of mamaji in Abhira marriage. now it's 70% done writing.

so the question is, whether you want me to publish the new story soon or you want to get a closure on I wish I could hate you before going to other story?

Thank you!

Also, Do check and read my FF book on NeiRohi. Currently I'm focusing on that story more.

Updated update😂:

I have read all your comments and went to write the remaining in the I wish I could hate you. I'm trying my best to finish it within tonight or tomorrow as from monday to 30th March I won't be available in any social media platform ig because of my project reviews.

Thank you!

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