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                                                                             🦋~Ruhi Birla~🦋

                                                                             🦋~Ruhi Birla~🦋

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Dr.Ruhi Neil Birla:

<Doctor and working at Birla hospital which is owned by her family>

<28 years old soul who's convinced herself to kill the inner child in her(reminding about someone?) but always carries a smile on her face for her family's happiness(reminding about someone?)>

<Afraid to love people because all the people she loved in her life either left her and the world or abandoned her>

<Soft hearted, emphasize with everyone yet bold and fierce>

                                                                           💗~Rohit Poddar~💗

                                                                           💗~Rohit Poddar~💗

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Mr.Rohit Poddar:

<Just completed law school (two degrees), going to join in a law firm which is owned by his family>

<28 years old soul who's still living as a kid, a happy go lucky but too sensitive boy>

<hopelessly romantic, believes in love but haven't been in any relationship, gives his all the love to everyone he's meeting>

<goofy, talkative yet sometimes feels like he really needs someone to share what he really feels>


P.S: I'll edit this and add the banners of Neil and Arohi also once I finish making on them!


About this banners/whatever people call it, I'm new to make all this. so, I just made this for my satisfaction. and this is how I wanted their characters to be in the show, yeah also I'm in a thought of writing an OS on them so I'll use this in that. tell me will you okay reading that here?

and these pics are not having any watermarks of either my name or any kind of my page name so, if incase any of you liked this you can use this anywhere no need of mentioning me or giving any credits to me.

About Update:

well hear me, I am sorry for keep delaying the actual stories update but I'm barely gets time this week and will have in next two weeks too yet I'm coming daily to write a little. so, the I wish I could hate you is almost done with 80% of writing. so, I'll post it very very soon. adjust with the slow updates till Mar end, after that I'll be back to giving continuous updates. hope y'all understand and thanks for the patience.

Thank you!

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