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(author note- dear readers previous part was after marriage of Yn's and Jungkook. this part is before 1 week of their marriage)


the sun rays was hitting my face from the window. I open my half open and sit on the bed. I saw it's 7am. I get up from my bed and go to take bath and after doing my morning routine I came downstairs.

"good morning mom" I greeted her while siting on the chair waiting for breakfast. "good morning sweetheart" she reply with a smile. "here your coffee" she handed me the mug.

"where is dad?" I ask her while sipping the hot coffee with a blow. "he said that he had some work and that's why he goes early".

I never saw him getting this busy. while having in deep thoughts I saw my phone ringing, it's Jennie. a smile crept on my face.

I answer the call and after almost 1 hour we ended it with a plane of going on lunch. after the call, I made my way to my room.

time skip~


he was doing some work and then his phone buzzled. "hello who is it?" he said in confusion. "am I talking to MR. lee?". "yes, do i know you?".

"Heyyy it's me your best friend, hello?". he was confused, "h-hello? i don't know you sorry wrong number". with that he was about to cut the call.

"leeee it's me your childhood best friend". he get hint of the person, he became happy. "ohhh MR.JEON you became so busy these days, that you forget your friend, and i know that it's you". he said chuckling.

" actually, I have to talk with you can we meet?". Mr Jeon said. sadness can be seen In his voice. " why not, is it okay if we meet at my office?". Mr Jeon agreed with a smile.

time skip~

Mr Jeon came at his cabin. they gave a friendly big hug and sat on chair. "so what's going on?" Mr. lee said with a smile. "all good" Mr Jeon replied.

"what about you is everything going well?" Mr Jeon said. "Afcourse everything is fine." he replied.

"so what you wanted to talk about?" Mr Lee said to him. " I wanted to talk you about Jungkook". he said with a pity smile.

"what happened to him? is everything okay?" He said with a confused face. mr jeon was thinking to how to tell him.

" you are my childhood best friend that's why i'm asking you this... I wanted my Jungkook to marry with you daughter Y/n." he said with hope on his face.

Mr. lee was silent for some minutes and Mr jeon was about to lose his hope. "i-its okay if y-you don't want this proposal." Mr Jeon said with a hopeless smile.

"wait, where are you going? aren't you going to tell me about the marriage date?" Mr lee said with a smile. Mr Jeon immediately gave him hug. "thank you so much for this favour." he said with a big smile.

"i know that Jungkook is a very good and responsible person, and afcourse why I won't agree to you. I was also thinking same. i'm sure my daughter will be very happy in your house." he said while breaking the hug.

"don't worry about this she will be very happy i promise." Mr jeon said. " what about a dinner at my house tonight? our children will also meet each other. "yes why not i will surely come."

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