*meet each other*

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I was coming downstairs with a very angry face. yes, dad told me about that all that marriage stuff. like wtf I don't even know about that jackung, Jungkook whatever, how can he say yes without knowing me.

I saw my dad was sitting on the couch and my mom was preparing everything for dinner. "Oh you came now please help me Yniee." my mom said with handing me the plates. "oh yeah why nOt!" I said with a dry blank face.

"Yn are you still angry at me?" my dad said to me with a heavy sigh. "no" I replies shortly but yes I was still angry at him. "my daughter trust me you will love him, he is good looking, he is perfect at everything, I know he will keep you happy, trust me child."

suddenly the door bell ring catching our attention. I just ignore it and started making myself look like a little busy. my mom and dad looked at each other.

my mom suddenly said "aishh, yniee go and open the door quickly." with a heavy sigh and rolling my eyes I go to open the door "coming!".

when I open the door I saw three people only. "if you done looking at us then can we come inside ynie" a lady said chuckling.

they all chuckled. I was embarrassed. with a smile I saw them coming inside. "hello Mrs. jeon" my mom hugged the lady. "heyy come come!" my dad said coming towards his best friend and hugged him.

YN's pov

my eyes stopped moving when I saw tall man. he wears a royal black suit with that deadly handsome but cold face of his. the moment I looked at him my heart started beating super fast. his hairs was nicely styled with jel and he looked ethereal. I didn't realise that I was staring at him from 5 minutes until he cleared his throat. he walked while chuckling.

my cheeks turned red and somehow I managed to not to show. I run towards the dinning table immediately left him dumbfounded.

"lee meet my son Jungkook!" Mr.jeon said to my dad with a huge smile. "hello Mr lee" he said while bowing to dad. "hello Mrs lee".

"aish you can call me mom now also, you are going to my son in law." my mom said hugging him. "okay m-mom." Jungkook said with a smile.


everybody sat at dinner table. I sat infront of Jungkook. Mrs jeon was sitting beside me. after serving the food by maids we all started eating. but here me who was still looking at him. I couldn't help myself but just stare at him.

I saw that he just then looked at me and catch me looking at him. I immediately looked away and pretend not to look. I mentally slap myself and shrug off the prevent thoughts of mine. my face turned red.

"so tell me about yourself Jungkook. is everything is fine?" my dad said to him. "yes everything is well and good". he replied with a smile.

"I guess my soon daughter in law is very busy admiring his soon to be husband" Mrs jeon said while chuckling. I started coughing at her words. "omoo are you okay??" she said giving me glass of water. my face turned red at her words. "now I bet that this marriage is going to be very soon". they all started laughing.

why tf I stared at him ughhhh.. fukk..


after dinner they all decided to go back with some little talks. "so yn are you happy with this marriage right?" Mrs Jeon said giving her sweet motherly smile. I couldn't resist her smile. "y-yes" I mentally cursed myself for shuttering. "and Jungkook are you also agree right?" she ask him. "yes mom".

"okay then we will start preparing for it then" dad said and all agreed including me and that Jungkook. we both stared at each other at same time.


see you in next chapter.

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