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' And inside us there is a talk, that doesn't need ear to hear it, but A heart to hear it...'
                                     -yn & jungkook


-YN / The STAR-

I heard my alarm started ringing, I squeeze my eyes and shut it off, I saw the time it's 6 in morning.

Good now I only had a 3 hrs sleep, fuck me, I wake up and made my way to take a shower and freshen up.

( Imagine this 👆)

I came outside my room and was going to downstairs but then I thought to take a look at jungkook's room.

Wait no, I think this is not a good idea, let him do whatever he want, I don't want to ruin my day seeing him.

I made my way downstairs, I want to eat some lightly food so I begin to make pancakes.

{Play song: animal by maroon5}

When my breakfast was ready i take it to hallway I placed it on near table.

I turned on the tv and started watching kdrama. Suddenly I thought! Should I wake him up? Or else he will yell at me not to wake him up.

I saw the time it's 6 40. I run upstairs to his room. This bitch will never let me live peacefully.

But then I saw there was noone in the room. Where is he? Did he gone? No way he is such a lazy ass.

I begin to find him in other room. This  mansion is 11 rooms how TF I will find that bish.

I shrugged off my thoughts and just take a look at rooms. But then I saw gym room.

As I look forward I just stopped middle. So this jerk is here.

I saw a messy jungkook, he was doing his workouts.  Yn.!? Wrong time Goshh Again I came at wrong time.

!? Wrong time Goshh Again I came at wrong time

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Jk / the MOON

I waked up early today, I don't know but I couldn't get proper sleep. Afcourse who gets when we sleep at fucking 3.

I thought to do some exercises so I made my way to gym room. When I get outside of my room I took a look at  my gem's room.

She was fucking crazy yesterday. Who cares even I loved that side more now.

A smirk forms on my face and then I rush to gym room.

(Play song: river bishop briggs)

I saw a little shadow at the door step. I turned to look and that shadow was none other than my gem.

We both had eye contact for 5 sec. I smirk and walk towards her. She started hesitating.

"What is my gem doing here!?" I say with a smirk. Holding her waist and pulling her close to me.

"Missing me?!" I say while tilting my head. Then I realised what she was wearing.

I saw her facial expressions was changing at everytime. "Gem open your mouth" I say and get close to her ear and said "I know I'm hot can you please stop staring."

But then she pushed me harshly. "Ouchh" I said hissed in pain. " Being Bad girl huh!?" I said while folding my arms.

"Shut the fuck up, I just came to your room to wake you up but you are not there, so I was just finding you, THAT'S IT BY" she said in one breathe.

Then she ran downstairs. This girls will make me go crazy. I chuckled and decided to freshen up.

Time skip

After some time I came downstairs holding my tie in my hand while finding her.

She was in kitchen, maybe doing her work. I go there and stands infront of her.

"What?!" She said while folding her arms. Too much attitude huh?!. I pushed her close to me and handed her my tie.

"A big grown up man who is a ceo" she murmured not loudly but enough to hear me.

"Shut up, you are my wife right? Then do as I say!" She shut her mouth hearing my cold voice.

Little did she know that she is living in a hell with a demon like me. But soon she will know this.

Time skip.



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