*wedding* 💍 aka hell

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Yn's pOV.

Everything was fine until I heard that wedding word from Mrs jeon. I was fucking disgusting on this topic. But I don't have any other option now I have to agree on this.

Currently I am with Mrs jeon. Selecting wedding dress for me. I am  bored now.

"Yinee look I think this one is best for you what you think?" Mrs jeon said.

Imagine this:

"It's beautiful Mrs jeon" I replied with a smile

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"It's beautiful Mrs jeon" I replied with a smile. "Okay so we confirm this one okay?" She said and turned towards e. I nodded with a smile.

"Okay now let's go we have so many things to do!" Mrs jeon said while dragging me towards Mercedes.

Time skip*


Everything was ready now. Almost wedding is in an hour. Jungkook and yn both are nervous but Hella hopeless.

"Are you ready child?" Mrs jeon and yn's mom they both are standing infront of door.

"Done!" Yn said coming towards them. "What happened? am I looking that bad?" Yn said with a chuckle.

"Omoooo you are looking Hella beautiful my child!" Mrs jeon said while hugging me.

"Gosh you are really looking very beautiful yniee" yn's mom said. A tear escaped from her eyes.

Yn saw that she hugged her mom. "Shh please don't cry" yn said and tried to comfort her mother."I'm sorry yn". Her mom said with a sad smile. "Okay now stop" she just chuckled bitterly. "It's okay mom".

"Don't worry now, she is also my daughter. I'm sure she will be very happy." Mrs jeon said while chuckling.

"I know jungkook is very obedient child. He will keep my yn happy." Yn's mom said with a smile.

Time skip*


I saw yn was coming with her white gown. She was looking beautiful. Fuck stop it. I reminded myself and shook my head.

"I'm giving you my daughter's hand to you jungkook. I hope you will keep her happy" yn's dad said with a smile.

I nodded and take her hand. Now we both are facing each other. I was fucking controlling my mind but indeed she is very beautiful. Okay whatever.


It was now time to walk down the aside, I stood in front of the door, held my dad's hand while being nervous. The door opens I leads to the altar with my dad. I glanced at jungkook he was looking so handsome as always. We reach near him, my dad gave my hand to him, he holds my hand carefully and I don't know why but that gave me butterflys.

Focus yn shut the f up.

Priest said " Lee y/n, do you take jeon jungkook son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeon as your lawful and beloved husband."

Y/n : I do.

Husband my ass, I will always hate you.

Priest: "jeon jungkook, do you take Lee y/n daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Lee as your lawful and beloved wife."

Jungkook: I do.

In your dreams, I will always hate you y/n.

Priest: "you may now kiss the bride."

Jungkook leans closer to me, and I close my eyes my heart start pounding he pecks my lips. His lips were so soft I was blushing nonstop.

We held eye contact for a few seconds and then break it as we heard the guests clapping.

Time skip at night.

Whole ride was fucking silent. No one dare to say anything. Then they both reached at jeon mantion.

Y/n's POV.

The driver stop the car infront of huge mantion. I saw jungkook gets out of the car in a second.

I sign. "Fuck you" I mumbled. As I unlock the door. "He is so rude man!" I said as I made my way inside the mansion.

As I opened the main door I heard a voice. It was non other than my husband's voice that gave me shiver and after I heard his words I became fucking shock.

"Welcome to hell, MRS.JEON"

He said with a blank face but still cold as ice voice. I can see that smirk on his lips.



Hope you all like this chapter, and remember your author loves turns and twist.

Future chapters are going to be insane. Enjoy it.

Purple you 💜

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