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(play song: heart attack by Demi Lovato)
-you can ignore if you want.


"Welcome to hell, mrs jeon." Jungkook said taking steps towards me. I can see a fucking daring smirk on his face.

He started taking steps towards me with a cold as ice face.

But He is looking Hella Hot, shut the fuck up girl.

I shook my Pervent thoughts away and came back at reality.

I step back, he step again, I Again step back until my back touch the wall.

I can clearly see that dirty smirk on his face. Then he lean close to my face. I can smell the alcohol. He is drunk.

Our faces are damn close to each other. I don't why I but I get shivered from the back to the head of mine.

I shut my eyes. But then he stoped in the middle with a cold face. I hate this look man!

"Do you really think that I will fuck you?" He said with a sarcastic voice.

"What?" I frowned my eyebrows I really didn't expected this.

He held my elbows tightly, I tried to escape from his hand.

"J-jungkoo-k you are hurting m-e.." I hissed because of the pain.

"So what?" He said his eyes are red, "I fucking don't care" this words left from his mouth.

Tears started building inside my eyes. But somehow I control myself.

"Leavee..me.. please" I don't know what to say I just want to leave, I just wanted to get out from his side.

"NO. FUCKING. WAY. PRINCESS" he said with a smirk. What the hell he wants to do with me now.

I just felt hopeless. Now anger started building on my nerves. I am feeling disgusting on myself.

I felt shivered when I saw that his hand are going down, his hands are on my butt.

"Leav- I was about to say but I get cutted off by him. "Shhh..." I don't know why but I felt sacred.

Then his other hands on my waist, he angrily squeeze my butt, then he leaned down his face to my neck.

He started licking my neck. I was feeling very numb. I moaned when he kissed and bite my weak spot at neck.

Tears started flowing down on my face, I was feeling disgust on myself, I was hopeless even I can't do anything now.


"Oh my little slut, I hate tears, this is Just starting and here you started crying?" I said with a smirk.

When I step close to her and started kissing her neck, she gets shivered, I like that.

She tried to escape but her weak body was not helping her, I bite her neck and find out her weak spot. I again bite there.

She again gets shivered, a moan escaped from her mouth. Now I started enjoying it.

But then I just step back and look at her body, her curves, her face, her eyes, her nose and her lips I want to eat them so badly. She is beautiful.

I controlled myself and then I can see her tears, her eyes are wet.

"just wait sweetheart this is Just a beginning of your hell life, YOU WILL REGERT TO MARRY ME".

She gets shock at first, tears started flowing from her eyes. I don't know why I am getting affected by them.

I angrily rushed out of the house, leaving her there alone. I don't know what is happening with me.


I was getting affected by his touch, I don't know why WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with him. I never imagined that he is a demon.

I saw him leaving angrily from the house. Good get the fuck out of here, but wait where is he going?, and why I am thinking about this?.

Probably going to fuck at the bar, I don't care I hate him, I fucking hate him, whyyyy meeee? Whyyyy?

I took my bangs and then after 35 minutes of working I finished it.

I placed my bags at some other room, that bitch didn't even telled me where is my room so I found it by myself.

Yes... I'm not staying with him, and WHY WOULD I, I decided to live at other room.

I think I should take a shower, my body was numb, I wanted to remove that fucking touch of him from my body.

But still he is fucking hot at the same time.

Fuck me... I shrugged off my Pervent thoughts and decided to take warm bath.


Here take some holy water 💦 y'all are very unholy gosh:)

I know this chapter was kinda boring sorry for it. Just be in the loop future chapters are going to be insane.


And share your favourite part in the comments.

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