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sunoo and ni-ki met in the library for their "studying" , of course ni-ki was 15 minutes late which annoyed sunoo in the worst way

"you know instead of eating people's faces you should arrive on time" sunoo rolled his eyes making ni-ki look at him

"why does it concern you who's face i'm eating" ni-ki mocked , sitting in front of sunoo "if you're so jealous you could always invite me to your house" ni-ki stared at sunoo waiting for an answer

"you wish you were good enough for me....now english" sunoo grimaced at the idea of him and ni-ki , he would never stoop so low

after around 5 minutes of studying , ni-ki started to complain of course

"i'm bored"

"i don't care ni-ki just read"

"can we do something fun"

"stop talking to me as if we're friends , im being forced to do this so shut up and enjoy it" sunoo finally yelled at him

"you're cute when you're mad" ni-ki leaned over the table and pinched sunoos cheek

what the fuck.

was all sunoo could think

"how dare you touch me with your dirty hands" sunoo furrowed his eyebrows , wiping where ni-ki had touched

"oh come on , in your dream you don't think i'm dirty" ni-ki was now staring at sunoo , but not in a scary enemies way , more like a....dominating way , it scared sunoo but he also kinda liked it

sunoo sighed

"you're such a baby"

they packed up and went their separate ways , finally sunoo could go home away from that weirdo.


what a long day was all sunoo could think k , the annoyance of ni-ki plus his own studies , he must have been a bad guy in his past life

his phone started to ring so he went over to pick it up

"hello" he questioned

"hi shorty" god.

"what do you want ni-ki"

"i just wanted to hear your voice , is that a problem?" ew

"does that usually work with the others? because i'm not one of them so leave me alone"

"okay okay don't hang up i just wanted to ask , heeseung hyung is having a party this weekend and jay asked me to invite you and tell you to bring jungwon and jake hyung , something about hooking jake hyung up , i don't know" ni-ki said on the other end

"fine" sunoo sighed "but not because of you , because of the others"

"okay shorty see you there" he hung up after that


why does he have a nickname?

whatever , sunoo ate and went to sleep as usual , tomorrow was friday and that meant so was the party , he'd call jungwon over tomorrow to get ready

then he slept


this feels very slow but i want a lot of chapters , just trust me😓

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