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the three entered the house looking for the rest of their friends, people dancing , drinking , yelling over the loud music , making out.....

sunoo hated these types of things , mainly because of the illegal stuff that people did (i'm making their drinking age 18 because where i'm from it's 18) of course he could drink , he just didn't do it often

after getting drinks and finding the others

time had passed and so did the drinks , many of them , and sunoo was definitely feeling it now

"hey heeseung hyung where's your bathroom" sunoo stood up swaying a little , they'd been there for over an hour now so sunoo was kinda tipsy

"it's upstairs, down the hall on your left, second door .....are you okay sun?" heeseung asked with genuine worry

"yeh i just need to splash my face a little" sunoo smiled back making his way to the bathroom

"fuck which door did he say" sunoo held his head peeking through a random door

he opened the door , it creaking a little from its age , it wasn't a bathroom but that's not what disgusted him

ni-ki and a random girl making out on the bed

him hovering over her whilst she was laying down

"oh sorry" sunoo turned and left
"i didn't need to see that , disgusting"

he doesn't know if he was disgusted or disappointed , after they made that bet ni-ki wasn't seen with any girls.....until now

he finally found the bathroom and sat on the cold floor , forgetting to close the door behind him , tilting his head back , running a hand through his now messy hair

"fuck you nishimura" he whispered under his breath

"and what did i do?" sunoos eyes shot open looking at the door

the 6" male leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed , a smirk laying on his face

"what do you want" sunoo spat , kissing his teeth after

ni-ki made his way towards sunoo , towering over his small frame

"hyung you look like shit"


"wow thanks" sunoo giggled remembering that the male in front of him was still younger

ni-ki slid down the wall now sitting next to sunoo

"hyung you should go home" ni-ki held his hand to the older's cheek , feeling the heat on his hand

sunoo swatted it away "and why do you care" he glared at the male next to him

"hm i don't , but i know heeseung hyung will"

"you know hyung , you look really pretty" ni-ki eyed sunoos lips , examining his whole face but always going back to his lips

sunoo subconsciously doing the same , he couldn't deny , ni-ki was beautiful , but his personality wasn't

the way he played girls , how he was so self absorbed , how his lips were so red and.....what.

without even realising they'd both leaned towards each other , their faces barely inches away

"sunoo , can i kiss you" ni-ki spoke , sunoo could feel his breath on his face

without answering sunoo pulled the collar of ni-kis shirt , their lips hitting each others , ni-ki deepened the kiss , pulling sunoos waist , whilst sunoo tangled his hands in ni-kis hair

the kiss was heated , both of them hungry for more not wanting it to end

ni-ki flicked his tongue over sunoos lips and that's when sunoo finally pulled back

laying his forehead on ni-kis chest

"shit" he whispered

sunoo jumped up and left , not saying anything to ni-ki , running past all of the drunk teenagers searching for sunghoon

"HYUNG" he yelled over the loud music

"sunoo are you okay?" the older questioned

"please take me home hyung" sunoo asked sunghoon because he knew he didn't drink , he'd always hated alcohol so he'd always been the unofficial taxi for his friends

"i won't ask why , but i want answers tomorrow" sunghoon informed the others where he was going and they both made their way to his car

sunoo doesn't remember much after that , he woke up in his bed still fully clothed with the worst hangover

"what have i done" he sighed hitting a pillow over his face


ugh ni-ki.

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