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the school day started off slow


by the end of it sunoo was worn out , completely forgetting about heeseungs party later that day

"you're definitely coming right?" he turned to jake and jungwon with pleading eyes "i can't be left alone with HIM" hinting to a certain japanese male

"sunoo this is very enemies to lovers of you" jungwon said making jake giggle

"ew" sunoo pulled a disgusted face "i would NEVER be anything more than an enemy to that self obsessed beanstalk

jake and jungwon eyed eachother "i don't know i have a feeling" jake put his finger on his lip , tapping it occasionally

"i hate you guys" sunoo sighed , laying his head on the desk , closing his eyes

enemies to lovers , pft be serious is what he thought


"heeseung hyung" ni-ki waved (finally ni-ki i know.) "your party tonight , any theme?" he asked the older

"hm i never thought , i guess not , but no drinking for you , i'm tired of taking you home" heeseung shook his head thinking about the past events with him and ni-ki

"hyunggggg pleaseeeee" the younger whined , pleading with the older

"ugh , fine but you're staying at my house and you don't leave ,my sight , got it"

"okay hyungie"

"why do you only act cute when you want something" heeseung mentally face palmed


jake , jungwon and sunoo were now at sunoos house getting ready for the party which took place in 3 hours

"ew hyung i can't wear that" sunoo spat looking at the outfit he'd already worn 2years ago to a similar event

"sunoo it's a high school house party no one cares" jake said rolling his eyes , putting the clothes back into the closet

"okay well i care i wanna look hot" sunoo sighed walking towards the closet , trying to find something to wear

"AHHH I FOUND ONE" sunoo left to change and came back making both boys jaws drop


"HYUNG YOU LOOK SO GOOD OH MY GOD , SO HOT , SO PRETTY , SO AMAZING" jungwon jumped up from the bed that he was once sat on , examining every part of sunoos outfit

sunoo was dressed in a black tshirt , black leather jacket and black skinny jeans , something basic yet he made it look like a runway outfit

when they were all finally ready , after sunoo changing his mind 20 times because of his outfit , jungwon whining because he was scared to see jay , and jake panicking over who will get too drunk (obviously him)

jake was responsible yet his alcohol tolerance wasn't the best , it didn't take him long to get drunk unlike sunoo and the rest , it was cute in a way , until someone had to take him home (usually sunghoon)

none of them chose to drive there for obvious reasons , an uber was ordered and they arrived at heeseungs house in around 10 minutes

when they arrived there was already people there , outside , loud music , lots of drinks

well this is where it all starts


y'all i can feel the writers block already

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