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breakfast was over and everyone was doing their own thing

heeseung went for a walk

sunghoon & jake were watching a movie

jay and jungwon were playing video games , of course jay stayed complaining about how jungwon was "cheating"

sunoo and ni-ki? they met on the balcony again

"so what did you want to talk about" ni-ki initiated the conversation

"riki...i just want to be honest with you" sunoos hands were holding onto the balcony rail , ni-ki was sitting on the floor behind him

"well i'm all ears" ni-ki stood up to stand next to sunoo , both of them staring into the forest in front of them

"i really like you , i was scared at first because i just thought you were going to treat me like everyone of your other bitches which is harsh to judge i know but-" ni-ki put a hand over sunoos mouth to stop him from rambling

"i think you could talk forever" ni-ki removed his hand and laughed at the older who's cheeks were now puffed and a pout laying on his lips

"so do you like me too , no wait i said you were a child and i just oh my god i'm so sorry riki"

"shut up and kiss me" ni-ki pulled sunoo in by his tiny waist

their lips connected and their eyes instinctively closed , sunoos hands ran through nikis hair . nikis hands still laying on sunoos waist , squeezing it every once in a while . Their lips never left each other, they both had been wanting this moment for a while

sunoo was the first to pull away , his hands still around ni-kis neck . Both of their breaths were heavy , but they stayed staring at each other

ni-ki giggled at sunoos blushing face and pinched his cheek

"you're too cute" sunoo blushed even more

"ni-ki can we keep this a secret for a while , i just don't think i'm ready to tell the others yet"

ni-ki nodded "of course , whenever you're comfortable" he kissed the others cheek and left


they both had what they wanted

but heeseung? what did he have?


heeseung came back from his walk and went straight to his room . Sunghoon saw the older come in and followed him upstairs

he waited outside the closed door , too nervous to knock until he eventually did

after hearing a small "come in" he entered

heeseung was wrapped in his covers with the lights turned off . Sunghoon couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked

"heeseung" sunghoon walked towards his bed and sat on the edge

"i'm here if you want to talk , i know what you're going through is a lot" sunghoon later his hand on the others head , ruffling his hair for comfort

heeseung sat up and pulled his knees towards his chest

"it's not like i didn't like sunoo" heeseung started "he just....wasnt my first love or my love at all" heeseungs eyes finally met sunghoons

"i'm going to be honest with you heeseung" sunghoon made himself comfortable besides heeseung , being fully on the bed now

"there was a time where i liked two people and i seriously thought something was wrong with me but" he took a deep breath before continuing "i realised that i love who i love and those two people are very special to me" sunghoon stared at heeseung , taking in his beautiful features

"sunghoon i know you like jake and he definitely likes you too so don't worry i wont intervene" heeseung moved his eyes away from sunghoons gaze until he felt a hand on his own

"heeseung....you're the second person...." heeseung froze

"w...what" was all he managed out

"i don't want to freak you out heeseung i just wanted to tell you , ill leave now"

heeseung grabbed his hand before he would leave and pulled him back onto the bed

"no no i didn't mean it like that im just surprised that YOU like me" sunghoon looked confused

"we just never really talked and i just assumed you hated me" this made sunghoon laugh , he sat back down and layed his head on heeseungs shoulder

"how could i possibly hate you" his eyes closed from how comfortable he felt , like all of his worries had been lifted


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