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most of the trip was absolute chaos to say the least . They had 2 days left at the cabin and wanted to make sure they spent their days well.

There was a firework ceremony that sunoo had been talking about nonstop since they got there. All he talked about was how pretty it would look and how he'd love to go. Of course because it was sunoo that mentioned it everyone agreed to go but that was on the last day , they had no plans for today.

"i'm so boredddd" ni-ki groaned  , he was laying upside down on the sofa occasionally throwing a tennis ball and catching it .

jake came over and sat next to him , pushing ni-ki out of the way which caused them to bicker.

"ikeu come on leave him alone" sunghoon shouted from the kitchen , he was sat talking to heeseung and since their little conversation they've been inseparable.

jake didn't know what to feel , jealous or happy?

jake went out for a walk just to clear his head , he found the lake that they swam in on their first day there . Sitting on the ledge he watched the water below him moving .

He could hear footsteps behind him and quickly stood up , but as he turned his foot slipped and he was about to fall in the water but the person caught him.

"you should be more careful next time" heeseung laughed , pulling jake back onto the ledge

"maybe you shouldn't creep up on people" jake shot back , both of them sitting back down

"so why are you alone , you hate being alone" heeseung started , skimming a pebble along the water

"i don't know i just have a lot to think about right now" jake didn't really say much after that , he sat swinging his legs over the ledge , watching at the water again

"i'm all ears jake , i'm not going to judge" heeseung broke the silence once again

"you don't get it , i'm dying to tell you but that would put someone else too and i'm not like that" jakes head fell , playing with the skin of his fingers making it bleed slightly

"don't do that" heeseung pulled jake's hand away from the other so he wouldn't pick at it anymore "if it's about sunghoon then i already know" jake's head shot up

"he told you? like everything?" jake questioned , completely forgetting about his racing heart

"i know that he likes both me and you" heeseung sighed "i told him that i wont get in your way so don't worry jaeyun" jake pulled his hand away and started defending himself

"no that's not i mean it is but it's not ugh , i like you" jake slapped a hand over his mouth, his eyes wide at what he just said

heeseung giggled at his cuteness

"i know jaeyun i just wanted to hear it from you" he ruffled the youngers hair and watched as his face turned red

"so now what....how are we supposed to do this" jake's mood suddenly dropped

he liked both but would the others be okay with that? all three of them? isn't that too much?

"we don't have to tell the rest , we need to figure ourselves out first okay" heeseung took his hand once again , running his thumb over it

"yeah you're right it's just really confusing" jake sighed

"ah i feel like i'm missing out" they both turned their head to find the owner of the voice

sunghoon stood with a cute smile laying on his face

"so you told him" he looked at jake who pulled his hand away from heeseungs

"well yeah kinda but YOU RATTED ME OUT YOU SNITCH" jake ran towards sunghoon who ran away when he saw the anger on jake's face

heeseung laughed as he watched the two bicker and run around

jake tackled sunghoon to the floor oblivious to their position

sunghoon laying down on the grass whilst jake was sitting on top , hitting his arm playfully

"you're so pretty" sunghoon blurted out , finally bringing jake to his senses

sunghoon looked at jake's lips and back to his eyes , the triangle method

jake couldn't focus , sunghoon was too beautiful he was overwhelmed

"ahem" they both looked at heeseung and rushed to stand up

"damn i didn't want that to end" heeseung commented making the both of them blush

"shut up idiot" jake punched his arm playfully and they all headed back to the cabin

finally i made a chapter for just them😭😭

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