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thank god it was saturday , sunoo didn't have to face ni-ki or his friends....but he had to face sunghoon

it's been around an hour since sunghoon arrived at sunoos house and he won't stop asking him what happened

"sunoo we didn't see you and then suddenly you went home?" he leaned back on the sofa raising an eyebrow at the younger

sunoo let out a sigh before starting
"do you want everything or just before i left"

"everything" sunghoon was quick to answer , getting comfortable almost like he was about to watch a movie

sunoo sat up and turned to sunghoon before talking

"so i was kinda drunk and needed to pee , so i went upstairs but i couldn't remember which door heeseung hyung said the bathroom was , so i walked into an already opened door and ni-ki was making out with some girl-"

"so that's why you left? it's nothing new sun-" butted in

"no that's not why....i apologised for coming in and finally found the bathroom , i sat on the floor for a while and ni-ki came in"
sunoo paused , running a hand through his hair , leaning his head onto the back of the sofa
"he came into the bathroom and sat next to me , we didn't really talk but....we kissed , well made out"

sunoo didn't dare to look at sunghoon , the silence was agonising enough

"i....you what , i thought you hated him"

sunoo finally looked up feeling a little easier after sunghoon spoke

"well i do , but clearly the alcohol didn't , and i kinda feel bad for leaving straight after but i'm not another one of his bitches"

"i don't know what to do hyung....its going to be so awkward at school on monday" sunoo laid his head on sunghoons shoulder whilst sunghoon stroked his hair

"it's okay sun , i'm sure he was drinking too , it was a mistake

right...a mistake , but why didn't sunoo want to forget it , how their lips connected , how ni-ki would pull his waist , how his hands ran through the youngers hair

"yeah you're right....a mistake"


sunghoon stayed over that night comforting sunoo , trying to stop him from freaking out

they'd occasionally mention it again

"you know sun whilst we're being honest with each other, i want to tell you something"
sunghoon dropped his head , fiddling with his hands

"ew hyung don't be so serious it's scary" sunoo laughed hitting sunghoons arm

"i like 2 people...is that bad or weird , i don't know what to do"
sunghoon looked genuinely upset , like his mind was playing against him

"what no hyung that's totally normal , who are the lucky ones" sunoo teased

"jake and heeseung....." sunghoon finally met sunoos eyes

"OH MY GOSH HYUNGGGGGG" sunoo squealed , clapping his hand over his mouth

"jake is totally obsessed with you , he always talks about how good looking you are and how he'd be so mad if you were straight"
sunoo mentioned , winking at sunghoon

"straight.....i've been fucking flirting with him for days oh my god" sunghoon mentally face palmed at the olders obliviousness


sunghoon left the morning after , he had some figure skating training or something? sunoo didn't remember the details

but all he could think about was him and ni-ki ....and how he wanted it to happen again..


guys i lowkey love this book , if i wrote sungwon would anyone be interested?

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