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after that night sunoo and ni-ki hadnt talked to eachother for days , ni-ki stopped teasing sunoo and annoying him , sunoo stopped complaining about how annoying he was

ni-ki did infact go back to his old ways , new girl every other day , sunoo was too busy with heeseung to even notice but the others definitely did

they watched the awkwardness between the two , how ni-ki wouldnt sit with them if sunoo was there or how sunoo would avoid making eye contact or even talking to niki


ni-ki had found himself up on the schools rooftop , letting the summer breeze run through his hair , summer break started in 3 weeks and thats all ni-ki could think about , no school , no sunoo

"so you're avoiding me" ni-ki span his head to find a familiar male stood behind him

"and if iam?" he didnt bother to stand up or even continue to look at sunoo , he didn't want to face him

sunoo placed himself down next to ni-ki , a small gap between the two

"well i dont understand why" sunoo kicked his legs that hung from the bench they were sat on

"pft....okay sunoo" ni-ki laughed dryly "you're seriously unaware?" he was now looking at sunoo , his side profile was something else , ni-ki just stared at him in awe

"is it because of what i said at heeseungs house" sunoo still wasnt looking at him but ni-ki could see his eyebrows furrow from the side


"ah ni-ki" sunoo sighed "whatever i said was a miastake i was drinking and not in the right mind space , please move on from that and act like whatever we did never happened , you're a child nishimura and i cant be dealing with that.....so forget" sunoo stood up and left , leaving a confused and hurt ni-ki on the rooftop

"fine...ill forget"


not only did ni-ki forget about the incident but he forgot about sunoo , he forgot that night , his feelings , him and heeseung

he stopped hanging around with his original friend group and made new friends , of course he still talked to them individually but he stopped making plans with them and sitting with them in his free time


"ni-ki you're coming right" seo jun called , a friend he had made along the way , seo jun was a 3rd year and obviously older than ni-ki , he did alot of bad things that ni-ki didnt agree with but it was better than being alone

"yeah give me 5 minutes" they were preparing to go to some street racing event with people from all over korea , was it highly illegal? yes , but it was cool to watch


upon arriving there , ni-ki had a gut feeling that he was going to regret this

an hour into the race and he was right , people started to fight and many got hurt , ni-ki had to leave right now , he gave up trying to find seo jun and the rest of his "friends"

whilst he was trying to escape someone grabbed his arm pulling him back

ni-kis eyes widened

"it's been a while riki"



who will it be?  🤭

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