The Three and the Degenerate Part 2

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Rollan feels as though he's a degenerate, and that's all he will know. 😔

TW: A bit of blood, mind control, trauma and abuse, PTSD, panic attack/mental breakdown, suicidal thoughts, Rollan being down bad for Meilin, etc. (you've been warned)

If you don't understand, the italicized signifies past experiences or current thoughts. If the experience is getting more powerful, it's in bold (some of it is happening, some is a recall of memory. If you're unsure which is which, just ask).

< Rollan >

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!

I cover my head as a chair is thrown. "Okay, maybe you don't want to talk. That's fine too." I back up against the wall, on edge as Meilin drew closer. The wood breaks, the remains of it flying everywhere. A piece slices through my arm.

Bruises. Everywhere.

My blood splattered across the floor.

Meilin, somehow reaching her longsword in that time, throwing the weapon in my direction.

I counter by pulling out my daggers, sending the weapon flinging into the wooden frame of the bed. I wince at the contact. Something that has always put me on edge.

"You're breaking so much wood." I sigh, "I get that it's a plentiful resource, but think of the engineers, Meilin." 

Guess what? She grabs her longsword and tries to stab me. Which I narrowly avoid. "Aren't you supposed to say en garde or something?"

I guess she doesn't appreciate my humor. When the next swing comes, I jump out of the way, landing painfully onto my injured arm. I groan, propping myself up against the wall. "If you want to train instead, that's fine too. But uh, shouldn't we go to the training room or outside first?" 

My voice shook with every word.

I rose to my feet

It hurt so bad.

And I remember the blood dripping down my arm.

I'm staining the floor. An expense floor...

A low grunt came from Meilin's mouth, her eyes burning with hatred. Was I that invasive? Oops.

She flipped the table, knocking a glass cup over and shattering it. I've made it worse.

"Never mind, here is fine." I offered. Meilin was just messing around. She can't really be trying to kill me, right? But with every jab I jump out of the way and,

It only made her angrier.

When Meilin nearly rips off my lower half, if that isn't my first clue, her lack of quip shows this isn't a game at all. There's no smile, no triumphant glare. What is going on?

She abandons her weapon, lifting me by my clothes and throwing me across the room.

"Okay maybe I got on your nerves one or two many times and now you have it out for me, but come on. I'm way too lovable" I joke. She gains advantage, and one of my daggers goes flying in the other direction. I freeze.

One kick after the other. 

I didn't know it was important to you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to!! I choke out.

"Meilin, reminder, I'm way too lovable." I held a hand up, stumbling back against the door. She brought the sword above her head

I'll behave!! Please

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