Chapter 5

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When Liam woke me up at 7 am this morning I could've killed him. That is until I saw how excited he was for today's adventure. He booked a safari for a few of us to go on and he won't stop going on about how cool it is going to be. It's like a kid on Christmas. It's a good thing he's so cute because if it was anyone else throwing clothes at me and rushing me to get out of bed I would've been pissed. Instead I just roll my eyes and get moving. Once I'm finally up he heads down the hall to wake up the others.

I get dressed quickly in the clothes Liam picked out without bothering to look at them. It's a good thing he picked out shorts and a tank top that match because I don't have the energy to find something else. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and throw my hair in a bun before heading downstairs to meet the others. I look rough but it's too early to care. When I see the others, it's clear I'm not the only one who is tired.

"You look like hell." Lou says before taking a long sip from her coffee. Lux is running in circles around the lobby while Liam chases her. They are the only ones who look excited at this point.

"You're one to talk. Where'd you get that coffee by the way?" I reply as I feel myself salivating at the mere scent coming from her cup.

"I already got you a cup love." Liam says as he stops his game with Lux and walks over, coffee in hand.

"You're the best." I beam at him before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I know." He says back with a cocky smile. "So is everybody all set?" He asks, switching to his authoritative tone.

"Yes sir." Niall says with a salute and we all start to pile into the SUV waiting outside.

There are six of us total. Liam and I, Lou, Lux, Niall, and Mark are the only ones who actually got out of bed this morning. The car ride takes a while so most of us fall asleep, myself included. When the car stops and Liam wakes me up, I open my eyes to find we are literally in the middle of nowhere. We spend the morning riding around in a jeep with a front row seat to all the exotic animals. It's actually really cool and I'm glad Liam set it up.

When we get back it's around noon. Lou takes Lux up to their room for a nap and Liam and Niall both decide they want to take a nap too. I can never sleep in the middle of the day so I text Gemma to see what she's up to. She replies that she and Harry are by the pool so I quickly change and head down to join them. When I arrive I spot them sitting on lounge chairs, bathing in the sun.

"God I would kill to have the genes you two have. It's ridiculous to look at you." I say with disgust as I settle into the lounge chair next to Gemma. I'm instantly regretting the bikini I chose. I loved the graphic print and bandeau top when I bought it the other day on our shopping trip but now I feel over exposed and fat next to these two gorgeous creatures.

"Oh shut up. How was the safari?" She asks from under her huge sunglasses.

"It was actually really fun. I'm glad we went. It was way too fucking early but still cool. And Liam loved it so it was worth it."

"Was Liam pissed we didn't wake up? I feel really bad." Harry asks with concern in his voice.

"I don't think he could've been pissed today if he tried Harry. He was like a kid on Christmas morning. Don't worry about it." I reply and he visibly relaxes in his chair. Gemma then decides we all need a drink so I head to the poolside bar to retrieve them.

"Well you missed the drama this morning." Gemma says when I get back from the bar.

"What drama?"

"Louis and Eleanor got in a really bad fight last night. I went to see if they wanted to join us before we came down here and when he opened the door she was sitting on the couch crying. I could tell he had been too. I took him to my room and Gemma stayed to talk to El. We put both their stories together and apparently they've been up all night. She was accusing him of cheating when he was out with Zayn all those nights and he said she was trying to make him be someone he's not. It's a mess." Harry says with a sad expression, clearly hurting for his friend.

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