Chapter 18

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As soon as Lexie and I got to the porch of the apartment we could hear Liv crying inside. We rushed inside, with no idea what had happened. From the sounds of her cries, you would have thought that someone died. I guess to her, it's like someone did. Never in a million years would I have thought that Liam would leave her. But he did.

I've never seen someone as distraught as Liv is right now. She can barely catch a breath because she's crying so hard and her whole body lurches with each sob. When I pick her up to carry her upstairs, her shaking hands cling to my shirt and she buries her face in my chest. I remember a scene from one of the shows that the girls watch that talks about how constant pressure over the body helps calm a person so I hold her as tightly as I can as we walk up the stairs. It seems to help a little but she's still a mess.

I try to lay her down in her bed so I can go call Liam and figure out what the hell happened but she won't let go. So instead, I sit down with her still curled up in my arms like a small child and pat her back gently, letting her know it's going to be ok. I know it will. It has to be.

Lexie returns a few minutes later with a huge pill and a glass of water. Liv practically snatches it from her hand and downs it gratefully, eager for some relief I'd assume. Luckily, it kicks in quickly and she's able to finally calm down a little. When she releases her grip on my shirt I lay her down gently and leave to call Liam. It takes 5 tries before he finally answers the phone.

"What Niall?" He practically growls into the phone.

"What the hell did you do?" I ask, completely bewildered.

"What did I do? Seriously? You're asking what I did? Why don't you ask Olivia what the hell she did?" He says, his voice full of venom.

"I tried. She was too busy having a goddamn panic attack to answer us!" I yell right back at him.

"Yeah right." He says dismissively.

"Don't believe me? Why don't you come back here and see for yourself?" I suggest.

"There's no way in hell I'm coming back there." In that sentence, I can hear his control breaking.

"Where are you anyways?"

"I need to get out of here but all the fucking flights are booked. The next one isn't until tomorrow."

"What are you going to do?" I press.

"I'm at a hotel in Indianapolis for the night. But don't come here. Seriously. I don't want to talk right now."

"Tough shit. What hotel?" I say, not taking no for an answer.

"Niall..." He warns.

"Liam..." I say in a mocking tone.

"I'm at The Conrad. Its downtown." He says with a resigned sigh.

"I'll be there in an hour." I tell him and hang up before he can argue anymore.

When I return to Liv's room, she's finally fallen asleep and Lexie is lying next to her best friend with the most concerned look I've ever seen on a person. God I love that woman.

"What did you find out?" She whispers quietly.

"He's in Indy. I'm gonna go talk to him."

"How are you going to get there? Liam took the car remember?" She reminds me with a laugh.

"Can I borrow your car?" I ask with my best boyish smirk.

"Keys are hanging in the kitchen." She answers with a smile of her own. "Hey Niall?"

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