Chapter 20

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When Liam showed up in LA nearly a week early and without any warning I knew something was up. His shitty mood only confirmed it. I wasn't completely sure what had happened but I had a feeling it had something to do with Liv. The boy is a hopeless romantic after all. But still, I played dumb to see if he would spill his guts. When he didn't, I made an excuse about getting ready to go out so I could call Niall.

"Hey Louis. What's up?" Niall says, nonchalantly when he answers the phone.

"Was anyone gonna warn me that pissed off, sulky Liam would be joining me? A little preparation would have been nice." I say sarcastically into the phone.

"Sorry bud. But while you're on the phone, I should probably warn you. It's bad. Really bad. You need to keep an eye on him until I get there. I think we all know he's not gonna make the best decisions right now."

"You're fucking joking right now right? I'm not gonna be a god damn baby sitter. I'm out here to have some fun. If Liam wants to join me, I'm sure as hell not gonna stop him." I say, trying not to laugh. Me? Babysit?

"Look we all know they're gonna get back together eventually. It'll be so much smoother if when they do, Liam hasn't been on a bender, sleeping with anything that moves."

"Like me? Thanks man."

"No offense. I just don't want him to do anything he'll regret."

"Look, I'll keep an eye on him. He needs to get his mind off things and have some fun. I'll try to keep him under control but if he wants to go fuck 1000 girls I'm not gonna stop him. He's a big boy."

"Well thanks. That's reassuring." Niall says and I can practically hear his eyes rolling through the phone.

"What happened anyways? He wouldn't say a word. He was all sulky and moaning that it didn't matter. So dramatic."

"Yeah I didn't get much out of him either. I think basically they got in a fight because Liv didn't want to move to London permanently. He wanted her to tell him she loved him so he could have some kind of reassurance and she just couldn't."

"Is he a fucking idiot? Is she? Of course she loves him."

"That's what I said."

"How's she doing?"

"Completely miserable. Lexie and I found her having a full blown melt down when we got home that night and it hasn't improved much since then. But now it's the complete opposite. She's can't eat, she can't sleep without medication. She doesn't talk unless you ask her a direct question and even then it's one or two words. She just sits and stares. She's emotionless. It's like she isn't even there."

"Shit. That's bad. Look, I'll try my best with Liam but I'm not making any promises here."

"Thanks Louis." He says, actually sounding appreciative this time.

"No problem. Give Liv a big hug for me will ya? Poor girl." I feel bad. Even though she's being a complete idiot right now I can't help but feel sorry for her. The girl is like a little sister to me after all. I hate to hear she's in pain.

"I will. Oh and Harry is out there too if you need help." Niall says not so subtly. So basically Harry is the appointed baby sitter for both of us. Great.

"I'm hanging up now Niall. Byeeeee." After I hang up I decide I actually should get ready. Oli and Calvin said they had a few girls they wanted me to meet tonight.

To be honest I'm a little relived to have the spotlight taken off of me for once. Ever since El and I broke up everybody has had their eye on me, waiting for me to completely lose my shit. I'll admit. I haven't been in the best place after the break up. Understandably so. She's been such a constant in my life for the past four years. It's weird not to have her here with me. I miss her. But I've found ways to keep myself occupied to say the least. So I've been partying a little too much. So I've become something of a man whore. I'm free to do whatever the hell I want now and I'm not gonna hold back.

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