Chapter 6

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In light of all the drama we decide staying under the radar is probably a good idea. We order a few pizzas and head to Harry and Niall's room. When Liv and I arrive everyone is already scattered throughout the room. A quick look at Louis tells me things aren't good but he doesn't want to talk about it. I know Liv will want to play the fixer for him and El so I quickly give her a silent signal to let it go before we take a seat on the floor by the couch. Catching my look, she gives me a pout but stays out of it.

"I bet you two worked up quite an appetite didn't you?" Harry asks while we both stuff our face with pizza.

"Shut up jerk." Liv says, taking a cue from my book she picks up the nearest pillow and launches it at his face. "We've got a bigger issue here!"

"Bigger than Liam's dick? That's pretty impressive." Louis comments from his spot in the corner. Good to know he's still sassy as ever. It's a good sign.

"Haha very funny. Seriously guys. I need to figure out what to do. We really didn't expect to have to go public so soon but those pictures don't really leave much room for explanation. Plus there's the whole Sophia issue. I have to clear my name."

"Just don't say anything. Eventually people will find something better to talk about." Harry suggests.

"He's right. There are pictures of Lexie and I out there but people don't necessarily know we're together." Niall adds.

"Oh people definitely know you're together. I heard some girls talking about you guys just the other night at the concert. Look, I used to be one of these girls, maybe not so intense, but I know how they work. If there is a secret to be uncovered, they'll find it. Or they'll make up their own version of the truth. We have to face this. I wasn't necessarily ready for all this attention but I guess now is as good a time as any huh?" She says adding a small smile at the end. I can tell she's nervous about how fans will feel about her. To be honest, I am too. It played such a huge part in the downfall with Sophia. I really don't want it to happen with Liv too.

"Ok then it's settled. Let me write a twitlonger and set the record straight before anything else blows up." I say as I get out my phone.

Twenty minutes later, with the help of my friends, I've crafted my statement. To be honest a lot of that time was spent correcting grammatical mistakes. Normally grammar Nazi's piss me off to no end but Liv is so damn cute about it, I can't get mad. I must really love her. Once we are all satisfied with the end result I post it and we wait for the response.

With all the drama that has taken place over the last few weeks I want to take the time to clear up any rumors about me or my relationship. First, Sophia and I broke up months ago, before the start of this tour and there are no hard feelings, we just grew apart and I wish her nothing but the best. As for the pictures that surfaced earlier today, it's pretty obvious that I'm in a new relationship. Olivia is a lovely girl and we care about each other very much, I only hope that being with me doesn't bring any negativity down on her. As always, I thank you all for your love and support. xx Liam

We sit and watch responses file in. I'm relieved to see that mostly people are really understanding and supportive. Inevitably there are some hateful people making rude comments about Liv, criticizing everything from her clothes to her weight to her height. I know they're just jealous but I keep a close eye on her to make sure she's handling it ok. She keeps a good poker face but from the way she gets quieter as the night goes on I know it's starting to affect her. Eventually it gets late and everybody starts yawning so we call our little meeting a success and head to our separate rooms. I take Liv's hand while we walk down the hall and she leans into me slightly during the short walk but doesn't say a word. When we finally get to our room I think she's going to finally open up but it's something completely different that comes out of her mouth.

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