Chapter 2. Veil

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Wooyoung wakes with a pit in his stomach. A simmering regret struggles to remain dormant as his eyes open to face San, who had still been asleep. His jaw tightens, swallowing his fears radiating around their shared kiss, wondering if any of that would've happened if San hadn't been drunk to begin with.

He wasn't going to lie to himself and admit that he didn't want something like that to happen between them, but for it to actually come to fruition felt undeniably hard to accept.

But, as San opens his eyes and wakes, Wooyoung finds himself unable to speak. San held a specific warmness in his gaze, an incredible fondness that was hard to misplace for anything else, and an undeniable weariness that Wooyoung wonders if San had in regards to their kiss, too.

"Sannie," Wooyoung says with a breath, trying to smile in an effort to remove the tension lingering between them. San smiles back, searching Wooyoung's gaze, and for a moment Wooyoung believes that San is about to explain that it was a mistake and that it shouldn't have happened, but it never comes. San instead, leans upright and back down again, partially towering over Wooyoung, pressing close until he's kissing the breath out of Wooyoung's lungs.

"So, I take it–" Wooyoung smiles once they part, "–that you wanted to kiss me too?"

"I wanted to make sure that you knew I wasn't just drunk." San admits. "I could see the hesitance in your eyes."

"You've always been able to see right through me." Wooyoung frowns, and San smiles at him.

"We're soulmates, Wooyoung. I'd be a fake friend if I wasn't able to see beyond your facade."

"But still," Wooyoung looks up at him. "I was worried that you would regret everything. I didn't know how you'd react, even if you were the one begging to kiss me last night."

"I wasn't begging–"

"Choi San." Wooyoung deadpans. "Yes, you were."

"Wooyoung–" San whines with a pout.

"Nope." The younger smiles, nearly about to say more before San kisses him again, lingering for more, leaving Wooyoung to chase after his lips after every kiss. San smiles against his lips, seeking more, and Wooyoung complies.

Wooyoung wouldn't have pictured himself here even if anyone had asked him, let alone in regards to his contract that he was very much aware of at the moment. But, he didn't care. He ached to have a fraction of this, and he couldn't help but feel dizzy at the thought of San sharing his feelings that felt too confusing to verbalize. Except, there was no need to place a label on things so quickly, so he chooses to keep quiet and continue to place delicate kisses on San's lips as if he'd been starved and deprived.

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