Chapter 4. Eclipse

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Time passes in a haze.

Most of the time during their vacation had been spent ordering in, watching a new k-drama and enjoying the peace that came with their time alone. Jongho and Yeosang had been out a lot more frequently, and during the small period of emptiness upon Mingi's retreat with Yunho, Wooyoung and San fell into whatever situationship they danced around in, kissing on the couch, openly sleeping together, sinking into a state of bliss that they only could pull from one another.

Wooyoung tried to keep in contact with Yeosang, as nonchalantly as he could, keeping tabs on his whereabouts so that he and San could move about the dorm without fear of bystanders to their growing infatuation for one another.

Yeosang was annoyingly open about where he was going each day, claiming that he wanted to encourage Wooyoung to be free of the dorm more often, to go sit outside in the sun on the days Korea hadn't been ravaged by soaking rain. Wooyoung remained adamant, claiming that he had plans, but they were indoor plans, while also reassuring to make outdoor ones, too.

On the nights Yeosang had been oddly lively within the dorm, rather than in the confines of his own room, Wooyoung would exchange a knowing look with San, sinking into his own room for the night, hopeful to wake to the news of Yeosang's departure once again.

However, San had been incredibly persuasive, texting Wooyoung all hours of the evening, convincing him to sneak over to his room after Yeosang had gone to bed. Admittedly, Wooyoung did do that, at least a couple of times, but only with the agreement to sneak out extremely early to avoid getting caught again.

This pattern continued for two weeks, the final week of their time off upon them. This morning in particular, Wooyoung was in San's bed, wrapped in San's embrace, holding him close to his chest, breathing deeply as dreamland comforts him.

They had stayed up late, tossing popcorn kernels at one another every time someone cried in the k-drama, laughing and making fun of one another, hiding behind pillows and under blankets well past midnight, completely enthralled into how close their bond had become. Yeosang and Mingi were well since settled into their bed, oblivious to their two idiotic roommates throwing popcorn at one another over an incredibly boring k-drama. But, since Wooyoung suggested that they watch it together, San was dedicated to seeing it through before they needed to return to training and vigorous practice.

At the blaring sound of Wooyoung's alarm, he immediately retreats into the safety of San's chest, pulling the blanket over his head, unwilling to escape the safety of their comfortable embrace. With a breath, San reaches over him, grabbing Wooyoung's phone and turning the alarm off, setting the device back down on the side table after.

"You've gotta get back to your room," San grumbles sleepily, laying back down against his pillows.

"Five more minutes." Wooyoung mumbles, moving closer.

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