After school lessons (🍓🍋 )

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Yuji pov:

College is way different than high school. The work is harder, the teacher really doesn't care for you, and the amount of people dating is crazy. Sukuna was right, high school is nothing like collage and that I need to learn how to learn by myself. Sukuna is a Junior while I am a freshmen in college.  It's hard for me to learn expectantly when my English teacher is too old to even be teaching.  He has been in and out of class for the past two months to go to the doctor. What makes it worse is that there are no study groups in the class. The cherry on top is that English is the hardest langue to learn.

'How am I gonna pass this year?! This sucks. I wish I was smart like Todo or Megumi.' Yuji thought while walking into my class to see an empty teachers desk. As Yuji walked up the stairs to get to his seat like normal and sat next to Nobara. Who was on her phone scrolling through Instagram. She looks up and smile lightly at the sight of Yuji.

"Whats up Yuji. If the teacher doesn't come in do you want to go to this new cafe? I heard they have all types of sweets." She said while shoving her phone into Yuji face. He grabbed her phone and sat down, looking through the menu to see what they got.

"Oh sure that seems fun. After we can go to the arcade it's close by there." Yuji smiled and took out his manga he just got that morning. He cropped his foot up on the table and lean back onto the chair.

"Sure but you're gonna have to pay for the arcade." She smiles as she rests her head on the desk to take a nape. They both expect him to not show up since he hasn't shown up for that Monday. Seven minutes had gone by and everyone was getting ready to leave until the door swung open.  Yuji looks up from his phone to see a pale clear skin man with beautiful white hair run into the room. As the man puts all his stuff onto the desk he turns around to the class. Yuji sat up to get a better look. The man had thick black glasses and a baggy navy blue sweater with some gray sweat pants.

Even though the man looks like he just rolled out of bed he was the most handsomest man Yuji ever seen. His ears turn slightly red as he stares at the man. Nobara turned her head from the strange new guy to Yuji. She blew on his ear which snapped Yuji out. He looked at her confused as he covering his ears.

"Your ears are red. What's going on in that brain of yours." Nobara Giggled as she flicked his forhead.

"Nothing I am just confus-"

"HELLO everyone I have some bad news for everyone. Your teacher has sadly passed away yesterday. I will be your new teacher for now. Call me Sensei Gojo. I will be your new English teacher. If you need any help come to me after class." Gojo cut everyone off from their conversations. He turned around and started to write on the board. " Everyone take out a piece of paper and start to write this done."

Throughout the class Yuji couldn't stop staring at his new Sensei. He moved so gracefully and when he spoke his voice filled the room.  His old teacher didn't get up from his desk and would have a nasty smoker voice. When class ended everyone got up and started to pack up. Nobara smiled brightly and looked at her phone.

"Wow he can actually teach?! Lets go to the cafe hurry." She said slightly pulling him up. Yuji giggle slightly and they started to walk down the stairs.

"Well actually I need to stay after class and study with him. I feel like he can help me a lot." Yuji smiled while nobara gave him a glare

"I guess you do need it. But promise me we will go tomorrow." She said slightly pouting. She has been looking forward to this all day. Yuji saw and wrapped his arm around her neck for a hug.

"I promise. I will pay to make it up to you." He smiled slightly. Hoping this would make her happy again which it did. He waved goodbye to her and sat down in an empty chair up. He watched as everyone started to walk out of the room just leaving his new Sensei and him all alone Gojo turn his head from his computer to Yuji who was sitting in the empty chair he put next to his desk.

"OH I didn't expect anyone to actually take my offer. What do you need help with?" Gojo sat up from his chair and rolled closer to him.

"Yeah I need help with everything. I know a few words but not enough to pass the next test." Yuji said blushing from embarrassment and that he gets a better look at Sensei Gojo. He had a small smile on his face. Yuji felt like he was being stared at but couldn't tell how thick his black glasses are.  

"Well if that's the case we are gonna be here for a while. Are you okay if the lights are off? I have photophobia which means my eyes are really sensitive to light." He said as he got up to turn off the lights.

"Oh no. Do whatever makes you comfortable. Is that why you wear those glasses" Yuji said as he watched him turn off the light. When his new sensei started to take off his glasses it felt like the world was slowing down. Yuji stared into his light blue eyes they look clearer than a blue sky it looks like light blue snow landed on his face. With long white eye lashes. Yuji couldn't help but stare at him. They were the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen.

"Your face is red. Are you feeling well?" Gojo asked as he put his hand on his forehead. Yuji snapped out and pulled back. Blushing even more than before. He turned his head the other way and looked down.

"Oh I am s sorry" Yuji mumbled.

"It's cute. Whats your name" Gojo said as he pulled out a book for them to use to study.

"Yuji.." He mumbled embarrassed  even more from what his sensei just said.

"Well Yuji lets get started." Gojo smiled and started to teach him the basics. It was first going to be a 15 minute lesson but it turned into an hour and 20  minute lesson. The light that was shining through the windows turned into an orange hue. Shinning onto Yuji tired face. He was leaning back tired from all the learning

"Good job Yuji I can tell you worked so hard to learn all these words. You deserve a treat for being so good today." Gojo said as he hold onto Yuji hands. Yuji sat up quickly thinking he was going to get some candy. When he looked up into his eyes his face got super red. His sensei eyes were lowered and he had a small smile on his face. It almost looked like a smirk.

"Oh your so kind Sensei." Yuji said with a smile.

"Yuji do you want to make an easy 100 in this class. I can teach you how." Gojo smiled as he hold yuji hand slightly closer. Yuji eyes widen and nodded yes. Willing to do anything to bring a 29 to an easy 100. Gojo smirked and started to walk to the door to lock it. Next he went to the windows and closed the blinds now just living them in the dark room. He went up next to Yuji face. Only leaving an inch apart. Yuji blushed at how close he was to him. Gojo can feel yuji breath got quicker.

"How willing are you to get that 100." Gojo said as he put his finger tips on Yuji chest ever so slightly. He trailed his fingers down his shirt to his stomach. Yuji squinted with a bit of shivers from the new feeling he is getting. It's non that he has ever experiences before

"Sensei.." he huffed out quietly. He slowly got up but as soon as he did Gojo put his arm on his hips. Leaning him against the desk.

"Yuji.. You want me. I see by the way you look at me. The way you were the only one who stared at me earlier today." Gojo leaned his face closer to Yuji's burning red face. He softly kissed him on his lips. It's obvious this was Yuji first time for how bad he is but it was fun looking at his closed eyed face.

Yuji wrapped his arms around Gojos neck. Ever so slightly playing with his undercut. The longer they kissed the more passionate and heated they got. Gojo moved his hands down to Yuji's butt and squeezed it which made Yuji moan in shock. While Yuji was moaning Gojo slip his tongue into Yuji mouth. He started to explore every part of his mouth. Not letting him have a chance to explore his own. Almost eating his face out. When Yuji couldn't breathe no more he pulled back leaving a thick string of saliva still connecting them.

Yuji looked up into Gojo eyes filled with lust. His face was redder than his hair. He was panting, sweating slightly, and drooling a bit. Everything just turned Gojo on even more.

"Hears my deal. You stay after class for a bit of making out, I will give you a 100 for that day. Only that day. Oh and remember to stay quiet about it."

Author note: Hey so this short story was supposed to have a smut in it but it was getting too long. I might come back and add more but I don't know how to write smut so it might not happen. I am also not gonna make all the short stories the same so if you like this AU it most likely is not gonna be reused. It depends on how I feel.

1719 words

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