Haunted House 🍓

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Sorry it took me so long to post this school been kicking my butt. I might now post until I get out of school for summer so wait for me. This might be a small short story so if it is please forgive me. If I have time and if I don't like how this chapter turned out as I will go back later and fix it. I been thinking of doing that with some of my earlier works. I hope you enjoy this. Also the School name is made up but if it is a real school please don't harass them. Last, please don't send hate to one of the girls I really hate that. I see it happening a lot in other bl books but I don't want it to be in mine. THANKS 

Afterschool is always hectic at Bakewell high. Like always track kids are fighting with the soccer kids for who uses the field that day. The band kids practicing loudly down the hallway for their next concert next friend even though no one goes to them. The normal school skater kids hanging out after school to skate down the hallways or on the side walk. Not caring if they run over someone. This is what makes Bakewell high such a fun school since everyone is always doing something. There is always a club for anyone even if the club is weird. Like the scary Occult club that only has 4 members. Everyone knows it's just a cover up for them to just hang out and do whatever while going home whenever.

The door swings open as a pink hair boy ran into the room with a bag filled with candy. He gave his two friends a big smile which they did the same thing. The boy through his book bag down in the corner as he walked towards the table in the middle of the room.

"Guess who bought everyone snacks. ME. Your handy dandy Yuji did." Yuji said. He pulled up his long sleeved hoodie to show off his muscles. Sasaki gagged as Ozawa giggles and blushed. Ozawa doesn't really like ghosts and stuff like that but since her boyfriend, Yuji, was in the club she joined. Mainly so they can spend time together. 

"Did you bring my favorites?" Iguchi said as he leans back on the plastic chair. 

"Of course I did. Iguchi likes hot chips. Sasaki likes sour candy, and my girl likes chocolate." He said as he gave everyone their bags of snakes. He looked up to see faces filled with treats. He gave everyone his sunshine smile as he sat down in a chair. 

They normally start off with a snake before starting on their ghost hunts. It helps calm everyone down since school really stresses everyone out. 

"Alright all right. Now that we are done eating I found a new place to go to tonight. It's an old abandoned mansion that used to be owned by a powerful family. But in 1976 they were all murdered. Legion says that they are still haunting the mansion." Sasaki said in a creepy voice as she read off of the computer. 

"Don't you think that's a bit too scary? What if something happens" Ozawa said as she started to chew faster from fear. Her eyes went down to her hand as she felt another hand hold it. Her face turned into a bright read as she realizes it's her Yuji's hand. 

"It's okay. I will be there to protect you." He gave her a small smile which didn't help her heart to calm down. It only made it bump louder from love. 

"We should all meet up there at 8:30 pm it would be better to do it at night than day." Iguchi said as he wiggled his fingers around trying to seem scary. Which made them giggle.

"Great idea. I will bring the flash lights. Yuji bring the water and chips. Ozawa brings a map incase if there is no wifi. Last Sasaki brings the first ad kit if one of us gets hurt." Sasaki said as she crosses her hands as everyone nods. 

The afternoon was filled with giggles, planning, movies, and doing dumb stuff for the 4 of them. The bright sunny sun says goodbye as the moon comes up. Turning bright blue to a deep navy with stars covering the sky. All the after school kids already went home just leaving the Occult club. The track couch tried to make them leave but gave up when he saw them actually doing work instead of goofy off like the other 90% of the time. The four ride their bikes to the mansion. Everyone that went to Bakewell high that saw them knew they were up to no good. When the town houses turned into woods they knew they were getting closer until they saw a BIG mansion on top of a hill. 

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