Bright eyes part two🍓

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Hey, If you didn't read the last chapter then read it because this is part two of it. Here is a small summary to people who don't want to go back to read it. Gojo is cataract blind. Aka his vision is really blurry and white. He doesn't talk to people that much since he doesn't like when people help him and that it helps for him to touch someone's face to know who they are. Since most people don't like it he doesn't really talk much. Yuji a new student and was the first person was ok with Gojo touching his face. Now they are friends. Ok I hope you enjoy the second park  

The sakara petals are blooming and the trees look greener than ever. It's spring time and you know what that means it's now near the end of the school year. They will both be juniors next year. How exciting. Time went by so fast for them. At first Gojo at  thought that Yuji was going to talk to him for one week then get bored or annoyed with helping him all the time. One week turned into two. Then two to a month and so on and so forth. Summers are right around the corner and everyone is happy. Some are happy that they get a break from school while others are sad they can't see their friends everyday. It was a Friday and everyone was just talking and hanging out in the class room. People were either sitting on a desk, sleeping, playing video games, or just talking. Without the center of the group of kids talking was Gojo. Ever since Yuji came it's been easier for Gojo to talk to new people. At first yuji would bring him to conversations or when he is talking he would be messing with Gojo hair or face. Then the more he was forced the more comfortable he was talking to the people in his class. He still can't recognize everyone since a lot of people have the same hair color and height. With him talking to more people it took him no time to become popular. With his handsome face and his nice soothing voice everyone now wants to help him. 

Yuji walks in the room with a slight tint of red on his face. He looks like he just got done with a math exam with how confused yet determined his face. His hair was slightly messy and Yuji eyes were slightly baggy. As Yuji speed walked to Gojo the pale boy turned his head to Yuji directions. A smile spread on Gojo face as he sat up from the desk he was sitting in. 

"Yuyu whats up? I haven't seen you all day" Gojo chuckled. When Yuji got close to his arm range Gojo grabbed him and pulled him closer. Rubbing his thumb up against his cheek. Yuji face started to heat up which Gojo noticed by how warm his face is starting to get

"Oh hey Yuji. Why are you so comfortable with him touching your face all the time?" A guy with short brown hair and wide brown eyes said with a smile. 

"Yeah I wouldn't mind if Gojo rubbed my cheek like that." Another girl with long hair to Gojo left said slightly holding onto his arm.  As everyone started to giggle Yuji frown and pulled Gojo away. 

"Gojo I need to talk to you, privet." Yuji looks up to Gojo and sees his thick black glasses. Everyone around them gasped and giggled. But of course out of everyone there Gojo is the one who doesn't know what's going on. 

"Oh sure what ever you say." Gojo got up and unlocked the long hair girl arms from his arms. When Gojo got up Yuji grabbed his arm and led him outside to the classroom. Making sure he doesn't hit anything or anyone on the way out. They walked down the hallway to the sinks. Yuji started to get nervous. His heart felt like it was going to pop out of his body any second. 

"Hey, Yuji what's going on? Class is going to start soon and we can't be late again." Gojo chuckled and leaned up against the wall. Yuji looked down at his feet, playing with his nails. Sweat was forming on his already red face.

"Do you.. w wanna go to the bakery w with me?" Yuji stuttered with his lips quivering from fear of a no. At this point he wants him to just say no to get it over with, so he can stop holding onto these weird feelings.

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