Do I know you? part 2

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Sorry for the long wait I been busy with my family. This is the second part and I highly recommend reading the first part since this part can't stand on its own without it. I could explain it but I don't want to. Enjoy

Yuji rested on his bed looking up at the ceiling, bored out of his mind. Every day has been so uneventful for him. At 7:00 am he wakes, puts on his legs, takes a shower, changes, and gets in his wheel chair to go to the kitchen. He is still not used to walking with the fake legs so he uses the wheel chair every so often. At 9:00 am he goes to class where he learns the basic stuff. Science, math, reading and more. He thought since it was a private school they would have much better teachers and more classes but nope. All he has is Gojo and Mr. Naname. Mr.Naname isn't a bad teacher. He seems kinda new to teaching even though he acts like he has been teaching for years. Gojo on the other hand is the opposite. He knows the subject well since he has been teaching even since he was 19 but he sucks at teaching the subject and helping it stick. After that at 12:00 I eat lunch that Gojo buys for me. He always gets the best health. I didn't expect it to be really good. 1:00 I go to physical therapy to get better at walking and to reminiscence therapy. Throughout the therapy Gojo, Megumi, and Nobara are always out so late. I feel like I am always left behind and when I do ask they either brush me off or go to another subject. Maybe they don't like the "New me", whatever that means, and are ignoring me until I get my memories back. Every time they come back at night or late in the day Nobara and Megumi look all beat up.  Let alone some weeks we don't have Gojo. Everything is going on yet I am left behind. 

Yuji thoughts were intercepted when he heard a knock on the door. Yuji sat up on the bed and covered up his surgery scares. Still doesn't like for people to see him venerable like that. He looked up at the door to see Gojo with bags full of sweets while his two students all were beaten up and dragged their feet into the room. Flopping right down onto Yuji bed not caring if all their sweat got everywhere.

"Next time you are gonna do this by yourself." Megumi said as he tested on Yuji bed with his head shoved into his pillow. Getting all the sweat everywere

"Ugh what ever. Today was long. Yuji make my favorite meal please." Nobara said as she hugged onto Yuji stuff bear that had a small heart on it. She immediately open hear eyes as she sat up realizing he doesn't remember. "My bad" She gave him a closed eyes worried smile before opening her eyes to see an irritated Yuji. Megumi sat up to see what's going on as he ruffled his nasty hair.

"Hey what's wrong you normally don't take stuff like that so deeply." Megumi yawned as he put his arms around his back to prop himself up. 

"UGH I am so tired of everything." Yuji snapped as he sat up. He crawled over to the side of the bed where his prosthetic legs were leaning up against his bed. He started to strap himself to the socket. Nobara and Megumi slightly suckered before resting on the bed.

"What are you so tired about you barely did anything today." Nobara sighed as she kicked her shoes off. Letting it randomly lands wherever in the room. She lazely started to scroll on her phone looking at random tiktoks. 

"You want to know what I am tired of? It's the fact that I don't even know you guys and you are all up in my bed. Yet you guys never include me with anything. Even If I ask reasonable questions like why the hell you are out so late you can't even look me in the eye to tell me. Are you some kind of gang or what." Yuji snapped as he went over to his wooden dresser where all his clothes are. He opened the top drawer as he started to put on his red hoodie, getting ready to walk out. Before being stopped by Gojo who was sitting in the corner on Yuji huge tan fluffy bean bag chair. Gojo had his arm wrapped around Yuji neck and was leaning on him in a playful way as the man stuck out his tongue. 

"What's all this pent up anger for~ Want to talk about it?" Gojo said in a flirty way before seeing his two other students sat up mostly uncomfortable at what just happened. Yuji slightly nodded as he looked down with tears in his eyes. He was holding back so many tears it made his eyes red and puffy. Gojo took off his blindfold. Having it rest on his forehead and to keep this hair back. He signaled to the others to leave the room. When they got out of the room and quietly shut the door the tears started to flow down Yuji face. He started to rub his eyes trying his best to stop the tears from coming. Gojo sighed as he grabbed a tissue and whipped his tears that were flowing out his eyes like a waterfall. "So you feel like we don't answer your questions? Ask me. I will try to tell you what's going on without you being in danger."  

"Only If I didn't lose my memories. Maybe you guys would include me with more stuff. Is it really bad things you are doing like drugs or what? Also what's with the blindfold? Oh and- and-" Yuji stuttered out from how fast he was talking which made him bite his tongue. When Gojo heard Yuji cry or pain as he stuck out his tongue he started laughing hard. He went back to sit on the big bean bag as he let his legs be wide open. 

"You're so cute you know that. Okay so, We are a school that teaches sorcerers how to fight and stuff. You are here for reasons I can't say and knowing the old you. You would want me to keep that information unknown." Gojo said as he leads Yuji to sit on his right leg. Making sure he gets the chance before the old Yuji comes back. Gojo loves the new Yuji even though he doesn't say it. He is flirty and it's obverse that he is into Gojo. Anyone that's been in the same room with Yuji and Gojo can tell Yuji has a crush. With all the winking and comments about his body makes everyone other than Gojo uncomfortable. 

"That makes no sense since you are just playing with me?!" Yuji got off his lap and went to where his shoes were to leave the room. Gojo just laid back and laughed at the boy's little outburst before realizing he actually didn't believe him. He sat up and gave him a little smirk

"You wanted the truth now you got it." Gojo started to eat his strawberry sandwich that was getting all over his face. Yuji just sighed as he sat on the floor before looking up at the ceiling. He was slightly frowning with blush on his face as if he was trying to get something out.

"You know I like you so I will believe you. Just don't get hurt." Yuji sat up before getting up to walk to the door. He looked back to see the white hair man's face turned red with a shock excretion on it. Seeing Gojo all flustered made Yuji giggle at how cute he looks even though he was older.

"Thank you for telling."

Ngl I didn't like writing this chapter as much. If it felt rushed or whatever because it is. I started writing this before my spring brake but I went on vacation and didn't have the motivation to keep on writing when I got back. I hope you understand. I am planning on taking a break since I need to think of some more Ideas and I don't have the motivation to keep writing at the moment. It will come back eventually. BYE

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