Bright eyes part 3 🍋

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Sorry that it took a long time to post this. I've been busy with midterms. Gotta lock in but it's chill, I got this. Also a reminder that if the spelling of words is wrong or I used the wrong word I don't care. It won't be fixed. Another reminder is that Gojo in this AU is cataract blind which means he can see the shape and color of something but really not detailed. 

Not talking, not sleeping, just sitting there in silence enjoying each other's presence. Yuji looked up at the smiling Gojo who looks like he is gonna fall asleep any second. He pulled him down by the collar of his shirt so their faces were close together. Gojo looked at his direction confused on what he was doing before he felt something soft touch his lips. He knew what was going on from all the books on his shelf. He closed his eyes and kissed yuji back, taking off his sunglasses in the process.  They slowly separated their lips from one another. Both breathing heavy for it was both of their first time. When yuji slowly opened his eyes he gasp from shock. He saw a pair of light crystal blue iris eyes. The pupils looked like a light shade of gray. Yuji stared at them for a few seconds before seeing Gojo uncomfortable look on his face. 

"I know it looks weird but you don't have to stare" Gojo said as he started to put on his glasses before Yuji climbed on top of him and grabbed his wrist. Trying to stop him from putting it back on but instead fell on top of him. Pinning him down on the bed in the process.

"NO, I want to see them. I want to see the real Gojo. The man who always makes me laugh. The man who knows how to use his words to make me blush. The man who would spend money on me instead of saving up money for yourself.  The man with beautiful crystal eyes. Please never be embarrassed and cover up something beautiful. Not around me at least."Yuji said all at once for fear that Gojo got the wrong idea on why he was staring. 

"Yuji.." Gojo said softly and lowly. Blush covering ear to ear with pink. He never got compliments from anyone about his eyes. Not ever his parents said anything. The second he let go he quickly held Yuji hand to flip himself on top of him. Yuji eyes widen before doing the same thing to flip Gojo over so he can be on top again.

"No I'm top. Get off. I got this."Gojo demanded before flipping Yuji over again. This time holding his wrist some what tightly so he doesn't move.

"NOOO I wanna be top. I want you to sit back while I do everything." Yuji whined as he squirm around. This just made Gojo giggle at him.

"Okay Okay next round. For now let me do it." Gojo said lowly into his ear, slightly blowing on it. He can feel Yuji shutter and he loves it. Gojo slowly go down yuji chin. Leaving small kisses on it to show Yuji he got this.  He slowly went to his neck. First nibbling on it to sucking to biting his neck. Leaving a whole bunch of marks on.

"ugh.. How do you even know this?" Yuji closed his eyes. A groan except his lips from all the biting Gojo doing. When he heard that Gojo froze from what he was doing and blushed harshly. He just looked down and kept on sucking his neck. Ignoring what he just said.

"I know you heard me. TELL ME" Yuji said as he hits gojo head lightly so he can spill the beans. Only for him to go to the other side of his neck to suck on. Yuji frowned and grabbed a big ball off his hair and forced it up. So they can look eye to eye. "Tell me now or we won't go any further than this." 

"OKAY okay I will tell. Only because I like when you push me around like this. Do you see those books over there on my desk in braille? Those are not any kind of book if you get what I'm saying." Gojo said with a wide smirk on his pink face. Yuji look at him shock before yanking Gojo head around

"You pervert. You read those in school don't you. So when all the time you said you just got a sun burn, were you blushing at these books?" Yuji said sternly already knowing the answer to both of them. Yuji had a fake disappointed face. He finds it refreshing to know what he is reading now since Gojo would never answer his questions when he asks what book he is reading. 

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