Life is good (Rewritten)

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The sun shone low over the ocean. The wind blew gently, barely rustling the leaves of the north wood trees. All sorts of creatures scattered throughout the camp, running to their heart's content. Birds hopped from branches, fish chased each other in the sea, and the pegasi chatted animatedly in their warm stable. Peaceful was the most appropriate way to describe it.

He took in all of the smells and sounds. He heard the animals running around, having a great time. He smelt the ocean, washing up on the golden sandy beach.

Sitting meditatively (well, as meditative as he could be with his ADHD), he let his eyes travel across the vast blue, taking in the beauty of his (father's) domain. He was having a somewhat rare moment of peace, of mental silence. Just allowing himself to relax for once, no monsters, no fighting, no conflict.

His thoughts returned to him as he heard the gentle sound of footprints on the sand. Turning his head lazily to the side, he saw his favourite sight: his girlfriend approaching him with that smile of hers. Her blonde hair flowed majestically in the salty ocean breeze while her beautiful grey eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

As she got closer, he slowly raised his arm, allowing her to sit beside him and snuggle up close. He then lowered his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in to plant a soft kiss on her head. Then, they sat there, completely silent—just two people taking in the peace and calm, basking in the fading light of the sunset.

She turned to him and smiled softly, warming his heart in his chest. With one last look at the sun's dying light, they shared a chaste kiss and laid down on the warm sand, embracing each other.

Surrounded by the quiet sounds of the breeze in the trees and gentle waves on the sea, they closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Time skip brought to you by my laziness

When he eventually awoke, the sky was dark except for the shining disk that was the full moon; the night had well and truly set in. Slowly sitting up, he looked around, still half asleep; his eyes were drawn to the sleeping beauty beside him. He couldn't help but love how precious she looked when she was asleep. He always told her he could watch her for hours (but he doesn't because that's creepy). He laid back down to wait for his head to return to its usual semi-functional state and stood up.

He bent down to carefully slide his hands beneath her so he could gently lift her up, not wanting to wake her (some days, it was hard for either of them to sleep, so he had vowed to always allow her to rest when she was able). Being careful not to disturb her slumber, he slowly but surely made his way over to her mother's cabin. As he reached the door, he opted to just go in himself; people were used to him coming and going from her cabin. As he silently entered, he saw the rest of her siblings were asleep and resting. Creeping through as carefully and quietly as possible, he gently laid her on her bed before leaving with a quick kiss on her forehead.

As the demigod returned to his cabin, he released a breath he'd been holding in his attempt at silence (something he usually wasn't good at). As he passed the mirror, he stopped and gave himself a quick look up and down. He noticed a look on his face he rarely saw... a calm happiness.

With a soft sigh, he laid down on his bed, closing his eyes, instantly seeing his girlfriend in his mind's eye. A smile graced his face as he drifted off, unaware that he would never be the same once he woke the following morning.

The first of the rewrites, especially the start, just never felt right to me.

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