Spells and Screams (Rewritten)

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Far away, on an island previously controlled by pirates, was a lone sorceress—an immortal full of rage and with a burning need for vengeance.

Every night, she was tortured by the memory of her most recent failure. By the hands of the daughter of Athena, her island had been taken from her; it took a long time for her to rid her paradise of those disgusting pirates. This time, she did not simply transform them; she watched with glee as they sank slowly to the sea floor, never to rise again. (Guinea pigs may be able to swim, but the stones tied to the former pirates made it quite... challenging)

However, that was to be a minor victory, yielding little reprieve from her rage. Her rage at a beautiful young lady who could have been very happy. Her rage at a girl blinded by the love of an arrogant pig of a demigod. On her island, the girl could have all she desired, all she dreamed. But no, she allowed that animal to control her and freed him along with the pirates. Pirates that proceeded to ransack her island, claiming it as their own and forcing her precious girls to flee. She could have been happy, but noooo, she had to follow that imbecile. Then what had she left in her wake? The ruins of her once beautiful spa and resort. She did not deserve this (debatable) and would have her vengeance.

It was in these very ruins that she laid her plan, a scheme that would punish them both. The girl who had obliterated all she had, and the pig who had manipulated said daughter of Athena into caring for him. In the ruins of her once glorious paradise, she sought a way to punish the demigods who took everything from her.

There, she stayed. There, she worked relentlessly. Then, years on, it was there; she found it. A way to get back at the daughter of Athena while also punishing her precious partner. (She spat a lot saying that). A way to ruin what they had, as they had ruined all she had.

The sorceress worked on her spell of vengeance through three lunar cycles until finally, on the night of a full moon, she was done. With all her strength, she cast a curse so powerful not even the gods (those assholes) could break it.

With a manic smile and a cackle befitting the usual depictions of witches, the sorceress fell to her knees. She stayed like that for three days, doing nothing but laughing, until she finally passed out from exhaustion. Before she fell into unconsciousness, she managed one final message,

"Annabeth Chase, Perseus Jackson. Just as you have taken all from me, I shall take from you what you hold most dear. I shall take your love."

Skippity dippity time skip to the morning

Annabeth POV

As I slowly opened my eyes, I was blinded by the sunlight streaming through the cabin window. I looked around and saw everyone else slowly getting up and dressed; we usually get up around the same time. Anyway, if I remember correctly, I was on the beach with Percy before I fell asleep. Of course, he was sweet enough to carry me here; that's just like him. As I gently sat up, I couldn't help but feel a chill go up my spine as a breeze flew in. It was such a great morning; I could hear birds singing and trees swaying in the wind, and if I strained my ears, I could just about hear the slightest...'

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The scream echoes around the entire camp. I shot out of my bed like a spider was trying to eat me; I HATE spiders; my battlefield instincts kicked in at the sound of the scream. I quickly threw on some nearby clothing, rushed out the cabin door, and frantically looked around to see where it came from. It seemed everyone else had done the same. I saw almost every other camper standing in the open, looking around. I racked my brain to identify the girl who screamed by her voice, but I didn't recognise it. I thought Percy might know, but I couldn't see him.

"ANNABEEEEEEEEEEETH!!!!!!!" I'm broken out of my thoughts by the same girl screaming... my name? Why would a girl I've never heard before scream my name? Just then, I hear the same scream, "ANNABEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETH!!!!!!!!!!!". At this point, I triangulated the source of the scream, and to my shock and horror, it seemed to be coming from the Poseidon cabin. Without hesitation, I rushed to the cabin, pushing all the surrounding campers out of the way. As soon as I reached it, I flung the door open, searching for the girl and Percy.

"Annabeth?" This time, the voice seemed quiet, with quite a bit of hesitation. I turned slowly as I tried to find the voice's origin. To my surprise, sitting on Percy's bed, there was a girl with her head on her knees as they were tucked close to her chest. She rocked herself back and forth, muttering in disbelief, looking wholly shocked by something.

"Hey there, are you alright?" I quietly approached her. That was when she looked at me, looked at me with eyes I knew off by heart. Eyes that I knew... were my boyfriend's.


Circe's revenge- a Percy Jackson genderbend (New version)Where stories live. Discover now