Damaged souls

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The woman's arrival caused a significant reaction. Those with years of training went for their weapons (many, gifts from their parents), many of the newer campers were so surprised they fell clean off their seats, and those with the most experience dealing with the gods groaned (Percy, it was only Percy who let out a loud groan at the headache she knew was about to come her way).

When the light faded and the woman was revealed, many campers' jaws dropped, for she was beautiful. In fact, she was literally the most beautiful woman they had ever seen. Her children started cheering and smiling, but that quickly stopped as they saw the look staining her face. The camp activities director moved to welcome her, hesitating for the same reason as her children.

Yet, the most significant reaction to her appearance came from the camper, who had reacted the least at her arrival. Sitting at the Poseidon table, one of the heroes of Olympus was wide-eyed and flabbergasted (YES! I have always wanted to be able to use that in a sentence). It was this hero that the woman's attention was on before her gaze snapped to another hero, this one at the Athena table. She repeatedly switched between the two before she grew more full of rage and bellowed, "Noooo!" causing many campers to hide beneath their tables.

The Goddess of Love stormed up to Percy and put her hands on each side of his face, pulling her closer to inspect. She was pulled forward until their noses almost touched, where Aphrodite stared directly into Percy's eyes-eyes that remained wide-eyed in horror, for the Olympian in front of her no longer looked like Annabeth.

Percy's POV (finally)

The groan I let out at the arrival of a god abruptly ended as the light faded, revealing a god I'd never seen before. Now, I'm not so vain as to think I've met all the gods in existence, but I certainly have met many, so the chance that one I don't know would show up is reasonably low. Despite my confusion, I didn't react... until someone else did, or more accurately, a table of others did.

The sight of the Aphrodite kids reacting to her and the woman's inhuman beauty rang the alarm bell in my head. A bell that only got louder as her gaze locked on me, and I noticed the rageful look on her perfect face. My gaze briefly slipped to Annabeth before returning to the goddess, only solidifying the horror I felt inside.

Her gaze followed mine before switching between us, seemingly seeing something no one else could. She then grew more furious and bellowed a loud "Nooo!" and stormed over to me. I uncharacteristically allowed her to grab my face, as the shock I was feeling was overpowering my other senses.

I was horrified as the Goddess of Love, who had always appeared to me as a mix of Annabeth and an old TV crush of mine. Yet now, standing in front of me was not a woman who was a mix of Annabeth; in fact, there was no trace of Annabeth left in her appearance.

It was then that I felt my legs fall out from under me, and I heard someone else do the same. Aphrodite, luckily, caught me. But I didn't care because I was too busy focussing on a horrific feeling inside, or rather a lack of a specific emotion. Inside me was a dark pit, an empty void where something massive should be. I couldn't stand as every fibre of my being screamed out in despair at the hole appearing in my heart and soul.

I could hardly bear it; physical pain I could easily handle, but the emptiness I felt, the lack of something so crucial to me, was too strong for me. I felt my mind slipping into unconsciousness, and the last thing I registered was the sound of someone else hitting the floor.

Chiron's POV

(back with the GOAT, or the HORSE, I guess... I'll figure out what that stands for later.)

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