Escape the storm

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As they moved from the windows, they could no longer see the standoff or the arrival of their camp leaders. Chiron had rushed to the cabins as soon as he had seen the storm clouds gathering, Dionysus following behind at a more casual pace—a pace that sped up when he felt the waves of heat ripple across the camp.

The god and centaur arrived at the same time, gaining sight of the deadlock and, more importantly, those involved. As they got closer, they took the brunt of the waves of rage exuding from Zeus, pushing through to protect their wards. Their arrival got the attention of the other gods, excluding those currently locked in a dead heat. Athena and Chiron locked eyes, the two communicating via gesture.

Both immortal beings were master strategists, so via very few hand signals, a plan was formed. Mere seconds after locking eyes with the Goddess of Wisdom, Chiron was moving into action. Ensuring he didn't get too close to the overpowering standoff, the trainer of heroes galloped to cabin 7. As children of the sun god, those demigods had both a natural heat resistance and a latent healing ability.

Meanwhile, Dionysus deduced the situation on his own based on the three beings in a standoff and the looks on their face. The wine god knew that his father's ire was not something he himself would be able to resolve, so instead, he elected to help do damage control. His immediate decision was to, of course, go to his own cabin, to his son.

Pollux was one of the few demigods who was not backed against the farthest wall of his cabin due to his being one of the furthest from the deadlock. This way, it was easy for Dionysus to get to it safely. The young man saw his father approach swiftly and moved away from the door. As soon as the door opened, the heat, which, while not as intense as for other cabins, was still unbearable for any half-mortal, swept in. It was over quickly as the god wasted no time shutting the door behind him.

Once inside, he gave his son a quick embrace before they shared a nod, and he beamed the two of them to the big house, leaving behind nothing but the lingering smell of grapes. Arriving at the front door, it was all Pollux could do to not fall to his knees. However, he couldn't stop himself from bending over and dry heaving repeatedly as his body dealt with the dematerialisation. There was a reason demigods didn't teleport in the same way their divine parents did. To them, it felt excruciating. As if they were being twisted and squeezed through tubes that they shouldn't be able to fit through (which, as you can imagine, is not very pleasant).

When the father and son had first attempted this, the dry heaving wasn't as dry. Pollux had felt like his insides were rearranged, threatening to no longer be insides. Despite this, he had kept at it, the two of them doing it again and again until he would no longer feel like he was dying.

After briefly checking on his son, the wine god beamed solo to where he had seen Chiron heading, cabin 7. The sight that greeted him was of his 4-legged colleague ordering about the older Apollo children. At his arrival, the younger campers all turned to face him, shock on their faces. It was very rare for Dionysus to show off his godly side, usually sticking to the relaxed camp director who got people's names wrong.

The most experienced of Apollo's children didn't even blink at an Olympian's arrival, many of whom had fought alongside them during the second Titan war. Ignoring them, Mr D turned to the youngest of the sun god's offspring. Gesturing for them to come closer, the deity addressed the small demigods. "Alright, I'm going to get you out of here." They all looked relieved. "Yes, yes, I'm amazing. Now listen, I can get you to the big house, but I'll only be able to take at most two at a time. This will be extremely uncomfortable regardless, but you'll stick to two unless you want to be split into pieces." That got him some fearful looks. He finished by getting them in order from youngest to oldest and instructing them to head directly to the infirmary to aid anyone who may be hurt from the furious faceoff outside.

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