Not too different (Rewritten)

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Annabeth was silent, unable to fully comprehend what she was seeing, or at least what she thought she was seeing. The girl, it surely couldn't actually be Percy, just looked at her with the look of someone who had no idea what was happening. To be fair, Annabeth was sure she had the exact same look on her face.

Before she could even think of something to say, there was a voice outside, preceding a knock on the door, instantly catching the attention of both women.

Chiron POV

I'm old, far older than I look. Being as old as I am means I've experienced many things. However, being the camp activities director (and basically the only one doing anything half the time) has given me many new experiences I didn't get during my... many many as a hero trainer. Training those legendary heroes such as Jason (not the Roman one, though that would have made things... interesting) and Achilles brought experiences that were far different from those of my newer post. For example, Achilles had never woken me in the middle of the night because a young child had nightmares. Jason had never exploded the toilets (by the gods, that child had been a handful).

Yet, I can honestly say this job is just as fulfilling, perhaps more so. I have always been proud of seeing all these children come here to be safe, to meet their families, to make friends, and to grow into strong young adults. Some find their calling as warriors, workers, and entertainers, all heroes in their own rights. Each of my kids brings something fantastic to the camp, our home. Even if they don't always find it easily, everyone has something to share and be proud of.

Oops, got a little off track there. As the de facto leader of the camp (looking at you, Mr D), I have experienced many different incidents, an irritating amount happening in the early hours of the morning or late into the night (why can't things happen at noon?). Therefore, I was used to being woken by a camper, sometimes in the form of knocking, other times as a yell, and unfortunately, sometimes as a scream.

Despite this, it was peculiar for the scream to be from a single point. A scream would generally indicate an impending monster attack, usually followed by many others or the sound of metal as swords were unsheathed and armour equipped. Still, the fact that only one voice was screaming urged me to rush down towards the origin of the noise, the cabins.

Through many years of practice, I made it to the cabins in time to see Annabeth running to the Poseidon cabin. Of course, that's where the scream was coming from. At this point, I don't know why I'm even surprised anymore. Those two seemed to be at the centre of everything recently. Regardless of prophecies, it's still quite ridiculous.

Knowing that Annabeth was on the scene, I slowed my pace. She'd always been very reliable, especially regarding the lone inhabitant of the Poseidon cabin. Although the scream was certainly feminine, it was not something said inhabitant could be described as.

As I arrived at the cabin door, I turned to the crowd of... all the campers. With a sigh, I raised my voice to address them all, "Demigods, return to your routines; breakfast shall begin soon."

I waited a few moments to ensure that those in the vicinity (the majority of campers) understood the instructions. Reluctantly, many of them started moving, though many kept casting glances at the cabin as they left.

The only ones remaining were the head counsellors, without any younger kids to keep an eye on. However, Nico di Angelo seemed to be dragged off by a particular son of Apollo. With a silent order to stay outside, I turned to the cabin door. I knocked my usual knock, knowing Annabeth and Percy would recognise it. Waiting patiently, I heard a brief shuffle of feet inside before the door slowly opened to reveal the daughter of Athena, who had a very peculiar expression. I was about to ask her what had her making such a face, but she simply gestured for me to enter, which I did before closing the door.

Circe's revenge- a Percy Jackson genderbend (New version)Where stories live. Discover now