Part 012

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Kentrell Lavantae Hayes
Houston Texas📍

Getting out shower I then start to get dressed Jr was now sleeping he ate and took his ass right to bed his mom hadn't texted me not once's since I got em

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Getting out shower I then start to get dressed Jr was now sleeping he ate and took his ass right to bed his mom hadn't texted me not once's since I got em.

which was a little off to me she never does that she always checks up on Jr but maybe she just wanted some alone time I hope she good .

As I silent went to Jr room I see him laying down with his teddy bear that Keem got for him they was getting close and it warmed my heart seeing Jr happy .

Going to the living room I then hear a few knocks on my door making me freeze I then went to grab the gun in between my couch before slowly walking to the door .

Peaking through and it was Hakeem unlocking the door opening it stepping aside so he can come in he then looks at me then the gun in my hand .

" You going always do that when people knock?" He said grinning a little bit as he went over to the couch I then shut and lock the door

" You know it gotta stayed alarmed every time no matter who it is but you good look like some on yo mind" I said looking at him walking over to my stools I could tell some was up based off how his body language he couldn't hide nothing from me

" It's nun really we uhm just need to talk where is my fat man tho I didn't hear him running to the door with you" He said tryna change the subject not looking me in my eyes

" He in the back sleep right now what's up doe what chu wanna talk about" He then starts getting nervous I could tell how he's fidgeting with his fingers it couldn't be that bad

            " I gotta go back to chicago"

I then looked at him with a straight expression everything around me stoped right when I was this close to being happy it gets token away from me again and again I can just never be happy .

" Okay" I said looking at him dead in his eyes like what he just said ain't bother me

" The fuck you mean okay? I just said i'm leaving and you act like youn care??" He said getting up walking closer to me a little upset

" I mean you made up yo mind? what chu expect me to say for me to beg you to stay my nigga well ian that ain't me" I said chucking he getting mad at me like he ain't the one leaving

" I'm not asking you to beg it's the principle it's the fact you sitting here like you don't care like it doesn't even matter or bother you that i'm leaving" He said getting a little loud I then frown at him

This nigga ain't being for real " Be quiet my nigga my son sleeping and what like I don't care? My nigga you just sat here and told me you was going back to chicago how am I supposed to react matter fact Hakeem stop fuckin talkin to me dude cus you sound dumb" I said a little loudly making him flitch a little

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