Part 017

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Hakeem Tavon Carver
Houston Texas📍

I then woke up tied to a chair my head was bounding it felt like I was hit by a brick over and over in the back of the head I then come to realize I didn't know where the fuck I was

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I then woke up tied to a chair my head was bounding it felt like I was hit by a brick over and over in the back of the head I then come to realize I didn't know where the fuck I was.

I then look around the room scanning it the windows were tinted the room was pretty small there was nothing in it not even a bathroom.

my mind then was filled with memories from last night .

Did he really let Kentrell go? Is Zyair'e okay, Did he have people go to Latrell to finish the job?.

That's all I could worry about as tears filled my eyes and my heart beating so fast it almost felt like I was having a panic attack.

Pain is all I felt all over my body why wouldn't he just kill me? why did he once have to take everyone and everything from me and let me live to suffer the reality .

Why couldn't I just die? why I kept repeating over and over again in my head.

The doors then open " Look who's finally up" Tyreek said smiling like he didn't just kidnap me

I then look at him not saying a word as my heart began to race faster and faster.

He then lifts up his hand with the gun putting it under my chin " Come on don't act like that Keemy" He said turning his head with sliding the gun up and down my neck while pushing it deeper

Making me wince I then look him in the eyes " Fuck you" I said while spitting in his face

He then stops to wip the spit off making my heart sink as I hear " Oh your going to wish you never did that" He said smirking


Kentrell Lavantae Hayes
Houston Texas 📍

I then gasp waking up feeling automatic pain going through my body I then look around seeing my surroundings

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I then gasp waking up feeling automatic pain going through my body I then look around seeing my surroundings... I wasn't In front of Sean's house anymore?.

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